Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse and Ducks And Fairies

I've heard it was awesome.  I've heard it was no big deal and how stupid people were about it.  I thought it was amazing.  To watch the air change.  To feel the temperature drop.  To see the most amazing shadows on the walls from the eclipse showing through the trees.
What I can say is it did not get as dark as the last one.  I remember the one in 1979.  So I have a comparison.  It was still pretty cool and then how quickly it went back to normal and bright bright bright.  I was grateful that Monica brought in extra glasses.  I just wasn't going to look at it.  But since I had the option, I did.  Brenda and I shared a pair.
Then this evening the littles really wanted to go to the duck pond and look for fairy doors.  They found seven of the 13 (we assume there are 13 as that was the highest number we found).  A couple of older boys helped them find some of them.  And they were all excited.  Behind two of the doors they found these little rocks.  Then I found the big rock in one of our favorite hiding places.  We remembered to bring some corn for the ducks and they liked that.

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