Tuesday, September 19, 2017


A friend at work today asked how another friend was.  She commented that the other friend had recently unfriended her on Facebook.  She wasn't sure why.  It could have been unintentional.  It could be the other friend is just moving on since she no longer works with us.  Millions of things.  But my friend today commented about it hurting her feelings a little bit.  I get that.
We talked about how we notice that our friend number might go down and we both scan through the friend list trying to figure out who left.  Facebook doesn't tell you, it just happens.  Most of the time I figure it is just people moving on.  I do it.  Occasionally I go through my list and purge.  And most of the time I figure out who purges me.  It is okay.  But yeah, sometimes it does hurt feelings.  I doubt that is anyone's intention (well most of the time).

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