Saturday, March 10, 2018

A Blast From the Not Too Distant Past

My brother needed me to do an errand for him at his house.  So we motivated rather quickly for us on a Saturday morning.  Then we went to the grocery store and we were back home by 11 a.m.  Most Saturdays we aren't even dressed and moving yet by that time. 
So while we were at the grocery store I see this very familiar woman.  That red and blonde hair swept up.  As we are walking up to her I asked her if we used to know her.  She looked at us for a minute and then it all clicked. 
It was Beth from our CPS days.  She was our case worker.  She was so happy to see the littles.  Usually once a case is closed and barring reopening she never sees the people again.  So she could see how much the  littles have grown.  And they were more than happy to share with her how old they were and what grade they were in. 
The little man was 14 or 15 months when I was granted guardianship of him.  The little woman was just a little over 3.  I remember her encouraging us to have the little woman tested the same time we had the little man tested for growth and milestones.  It is why she got some speech therapy just before she turned 3. 
Beth was one of my biggest supporters in our move to town and getting daycare set up and all the other things that go with raising kids as a grandparent.  I have really missed her. 
She was so happy to see us and I was so happy to see her.  She still works doing the same thing.  Here is to hoping we never have to cross paths with her job again. 
She was sad to hear about papa dying and she correctly guessed the cause.  She was sad that Mike is still struggling.  But she was happy to see that we three were still a nice little unit. 

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