Saturday, March 31, 2018

Dishwasher to Eggs

Went online last night to see when that hose might arrive and it said it was already in my mailbox and had been since the day before.  Excellent.  So the little man and I set out to change the hose.  Youtube made it look very easy and it really was.  The hardest part was cleaning up all the insulation and rat bait that was under the dishwasher. 
We ran a whole cycle to make sure everything was hooked up and not leaking.  I also still had soap in there from when I ran a load that didn't get washed because of the not filling.  So the dishwasher got a bath today.  Happy to say we did good.  No leaks. 
This afternoon was the Easter Egg Hunt at the facility that my mom lives at.  So we headed on over and did the hunt.  The kids had a great time.  Now the little woman did not want to even go and has stated so for a couple of weeks.  She just knew that kid who found both golden eggs last year and a golden egg the year before that would find the golden egg again this year.  I opened my mouth and inserted my foot.  I told her the odds of that happening were astronomical.  Well guess what?  That kid went into the courtyard, walked right over to a bush on the other side and said "I found the golden egg."  And so it was.  I noticed that the youngest member of his group who hunted eggs in the little kids courtyard found the other golden egg.  Oy.  What can you say about that.  Anyway, we put in a guess on the jellybean jar and won second place.  Got a big container of chocolate.  And they had a raffle.  The little woman won the very last prize and it was a nice basket.  She shared with her brother. 
Mom had a good time watching the kids and eating the candy the littles didn't care for.  Then she got ahold of our box of chocolates and ate quite a few.  Probably a good thing.  I think she was unhappy that we didn't leave it for her.  But we did leave a plate full of mini snickers and butterfingers. 
All in all a good day. 

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