Friday, October 5, 2018

Lots and Lots

It seems like there is a lot going on lately. 
The littles just finished up this session of swimming lessons.  They both passed onto the next level.  I watched the little woman swim.  Not graceful, but still swimming.  Grace will come with practice.  The little man just seems to take to whatever he decides to do. 
So after a four week break the little man is back seeing his counselor.  And none too soon.  I could just watch the regression happening.  So he saw her this week and now we are back to going through the it gets worse before it gets better stage.  Oy.  One day at a time. 
I turned the wifi off after an episode last week.  It is absolutely annoying to not have it when you want it.  I fibbed and said it was off at the cable company.  That seems to have appeased the begging for the wifi.  So if I accidentally reconnected on my phone I would be caught because eventually I would forget to shut it back off. 
We bought a web cam so we can have a video visit with Mike.  We scheduled one too soon.  Now we have one schedule for next week.  We will see how that goes and if it is enough for all the love they want to feel. 

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