Sunday, October 14, 2018


I like to drink a glass or two of wine on occasion.  I estimated that I drink about six bottles a year.  This year I am way lower than that.  I have had two and one of those actually got mostly consumed while camping.  I almost always take a bottle with camping and then it comes back home. 
When we went yurting at Grayland last month I did not bring a bottle with because I mostly don't ever drink it.  The little woman and I had stopped at that store and I thought I would just look and see if anything called to me.  Well they carried Wild Vines Strawberry Zinfandel.  I have not been able to find that flavor in months and months or if I do it is the BIG bottle which I just don't buy.  It is my favorite flavor beyond the orange one that is no longer even made.  Naturally I bought a bottle and drank most of it at the yurt. 
So I have been paying more attention at our local stores and no, not one of them is carrying that flavor.  Makes me think it is the same salesperson for all the local stores.  Because the flavor being sold is the same at every single one.  I know I am not the only person who drinks that flavor. 
My brother suggested I check out the big wine store and maybe I will just have to.  One of these days.  When the mood again strikes. In several months.  ;p

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