A few weeks ago my brother asked us what we thought....Rebecca wanted to cook Thanksgiving Dinner. Mom of course is fine with whoever cooks it. And I was like yes we can do that. Pat said he would talk to her again to make sure and then he promptly forgot.
I've been at the grocery store twice since then looking at all the food for Thanksgiving. And each time I have resisted starting. There is no point in my buying if I'm not cooking.
So we were down to two weeks till Thanksgiving and I thought perhaps I should check with Pat. I texted him. He texted back that he had forgot and that he would find out. And the reason why I checked two weeks in advance.....because I knew how it was going to go and I needed enough time to gather up the stuff we would need. Yup. Rebecca got a new boyfriend and she would be spending Thanksgiving at his house. Okay then. Exactly as I expected it to go.
So the littles and I have started the cleaning getting ready for company. This morning I asked the little man to clean his room. And he cleaned it spotless. Even vacuumed it. He had to show me and I was beyond impressed and proud of him. It was reminiscent of days gone by when Doug used to keep his room really clean. Course he was a teenager and the little man is still 6 years-old.
The plan is to finish the living room today. We did the kitchen yesterday. Tomorrow I may clean the carpet in the living room.
And then my anxiety level can rise. Mom hasn't been here since last Thanksgiving. We always do family dinner out or at Pat's house. Sometimes being here brings out her anger at her whole situation. Now she has started to forget Pat's house, so here is hoping she has forgotten this house and it all goes smooth.
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