I was reading a blip on one of my groups. The woman was describing the little man to a T. Like me she had tried lots of things. And then she hit on sleep apnea. Her son is a mouth breather. So is the little man. And that is a sign of sleep apnea. Who knew? I was always aware of the snoring and the stopping breathing. She took her son in for a sleep study and he ended up having his tonsils and adenoids removed. The behavior improved greatly.
Dave suffered from sleep apnea all his life. I can remember many many times where I would kick him to make him breath. An anesthesiologist told me he could die in his sleep from sleep apnea. Mom would tell the same stories about my dad. And then my mom was diagnosed and got that wonderful cpap machine. My brother was diagnosed after one Thanksgiving when he was getting really angry at me for moving him when he wasn't breathing while napping. Mike had sleep apnea as a child and he had his tonsils and adenoids removed and it stopped. I have no idea if it returned as an adult or not. My little man comes from a long line of sleep deprived people.
The little man has the biggest tonsils I have ever seen. I kept waiting for him to choke when he ate when he was little. Now I am listening and I can hear him stop breathing. I did a little research and decided the first step is to see his pediatrician. So we have an appt. next week to get that ball rolling.
I don't expect this to fix everything but if it is contributing I want to do what I can to help.
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