Saturday, December 1, 2018


So Thanksgiving, then six days of being sick.  Sick enough that not much got done.  I did manage to make the turkey stock.  It was either that or throw it all away.  I did manage to get a couple of dishwashers ran. 
Then I worked a half day and then a full day and the evening of those days were filled with activity. 
There was the birthday party.  Then yesterday Chad and Ky came down, took us to dinner and then took the little man to his first Blazer game.  The little woman and I then hit the grocery store.
So today is the first day at home, feeling better and ready to kick a little butt.  Finished cleaning up pans and misc. odds and ends from Thanksgiving.  The roaster still awaits the dishwasher but it is clean. 
I set out the supplies for the little man to make some cookies.  And that he did until it was time to roll the dough in the cinnamon and suger mixture.  I think he does not like that texture on his hands.  He has such concentration when he cooks.  He did a great job and then I overbaked the snickerdoodles.  They taste all right but they don't have that right texture.  Ah, c'est la vie. 

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