Thursday, March 14, 2019

Beyond Busy Thursday

And naturally we have to have a morning struggle to start a day that is packed full.  I did finally manage to get both kids to school.  Picked up Mom's prescription and dropped it off, but did not have time to see her.  Went to work and actually worked my full shift.  Ran to Winco to grab some cat food.
And then I spent almost an hour with the brain doctor and the therapist at the Children's Center.  Holly was giving us the results of his testing.  His IQ was 126.  Oy.  Holly said he had done stuff that she had not ever seen in a seven year old.  It was his verbal score that brought the IQ down in the average.  Most of the stuff were way up there with a couple of components being in the 99th percentile.  While he has a deficit in the verbal, it is still in the average range so he will never get help for it.  She did some social testing and some of those were a bit lower.  He does not recognize fear either in himself or others.  The brain doctor told the therapist and I that we have a lot of work because his behavior is caused by an emotional component due to the traumas he has suffered.  His brain is good.  And we cannot go back and redo those first three weeks of his life.  We cannot go back and redo the stress his mommy had when she was pregnant with him.  We cannot go back and redo the losses and abandonment he has suffered in his lifetime.  We can just move forward.  It was very interesting and kind of intimidating to have validation for the feeling I have always had that he is way smarter than me.
From there I hurried to daycare to pick the littles up so we could try and not be too late to his hip hop dance class.  We made it about five minutes late.  He is so loving this class.
Then we picked up Phoebe and headed home.  Tired.  Exhausted.  It was a late night last night and looking a little late tonight.  The weekend is almost here.

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