Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Terrific Tuesday

Well.....the little woman got up, dressed and out the door on time to catch the bus.  The little man did not want to go but got right out of the car when I said I needed to get to the eye doctor for my pressure check.  I think he was thinking of the dog.
The eye doctor was pleased with how well the new eye drop is working.  So am I.  Guess I was thinking about the dog.
I had therapy.  We talked about whether she thought the little woman was ADHD, no she did not.  I filled out an anxiety questionaire for the psychiatrist and she said it was pretty obvious from that alone that there is anxiety going on.  The anxiety is probably what is causing her problems in school.  I have thought that since I figured it out.
Picked the kids up and we took a picnic to Kiwanis Park. The kids played for a couple of hours.  We decided that after dinner is better than before.  Bigger kids later and younger kids earlier.  They finished our picnic at home.  Then the little man and I went out and played with his big red ball.  I love that ball.  You can't throw it hard.  Well you can, but it loses momentum fast.
Then we went in and watched some "Larva Island" and he promptly fell asleep.  Got to love those nights.

Going to bed and it isn't quite 9.  :)

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