Monday, August 19, 2019

Brain Tired

Spent about three hours with Mom.  Had to take her to the nurse treatment room at Kaiser to see if her infection was getting better. 
When I first arrived at 1 p.m. she wasn't dressed yet.  No lunch.  So I had to help her.  We managed with a lot of coaxing to get dressed.  And she was already in her loop.  Someone had gotten hurt (her?) and she was going on and on about someone having to take better care of themselves and responsibility for their own actions.  And she was not going to be responsible for taking care of any of it.  This went on for the whole three hours.  The same thing over and over and over. 
I know trauma throws dementia people for a loop and man that is where she was.  Somewhere along the line she told me it was her friend Myrna.  And she shouldn't go out drinking and carousing after having this happen.  And there should be no more motorcycle rides. 
She told the nurse at Kaiser that she was a nurse.  Then a few minutes later she changed it to a nurse in making and she is a lay person and needs things explained in layman terms.  We are definitely further back in time. 
Anyway the infection is looking better but not healed yet.  She goes back on Friday and maybe then they will take the stitches out.  The stitches are not dissolveable and good thing since she got the infection.  She got a new bandage and I was told it wouldn't need to be changed for three days unless it came off or got dirty. I relayed that to her place of living.  Then I got a voicemail later telling me they need doctor orders to change the bandage every three days. 
We were going to talk today about moving.  I brought it up and she put it right in the loop and off she went.  Oy.  We then grabbed some Burgerville and had a late lunch.  She really enjoyed that. 

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