Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Team Meeting

It was time again for our team meeting yesterday.  We talked about the good stuff.  The little man was able to figure out why he was so angry the other day and fix it.  We have come so far since our days of crisis.  He is using words to communicate his feelings. 
Our big task this month will be helping him be successful at school.  Both the therapist and the home specialist will be reaching out to the school this week to set up seeing him at school and having a team meeting that includes the school.  His IEP mostly dealt with safety and we are mostly past that.  So we need to update it and make sure he has any supports that he needs to help him be successful in the gen ed classroom. 
I love this wrap around program.  The home specialist also suggested Mike meeting with the therapist himself for some counseling on parenting.  She also thought I could do with some support...either a support group for someone in my situation or an actual counselor. 

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