Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sucky Day

The best part of the day was the IEP meeting.  The therapist and I were pretty impressed with how well the team understands the little man and the things they have already implemented to help him be successful.  And we got the busing straightened out.  Yay!  That is going to add an hour onto my day.  But I will miss that ten minutes of time alone with him in the morning and the afternoon. 
Pat and I decided it was time to put Phoebe down.  Her eye  was getting much worse and it was making her cry.  So the drops just weren't helping at all.  She seemed to have lost all control of her bladder.  And we just couldn't see letting her live in silence and darkness and in pain.  That ended my morning. 
Then the afternoon brought me an escalation from each child.  I'm not sure why, but it was.  And when I called Mike he got angry and hung up on me.  So there it is.  Took a deep breath and tried to get back to calm. 
My cousin messaged me.  My Aunt Cris died.  Now she was on hospice and we knew it was coming, but it is still a blow.  I will make a post just for her later. 
And that is just enough for my sucky day. 

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