Sunday, December 27, 2020

Flying Home

 We were two of those 1.5 million travelers today flying.  We have decided that we really don't care for Frontier airlines.  Nothing to do with the employees at all.  Just a bunch of little the most uncomfortable seats on a plane.  And no snack/beverage service but you can buy a bottle of water for $3.  This after we paid for our ticket and it wasn't cheap and we paid to take our carry ons on.  Methinks Alaska will see us more often.

So the airport at Indy was extremely quiet.  That is not where 1.5 million travelers were.  When we arrived in Portland it was quiet.  That is not where 1.5 million travelers were.  But when we spent our long layover in Denver... we found a good number of those travelers.  And dogs.  I must have seen over 30 dogs and one cat.  I wonder if all those pets were included in the  number of travelers.  ;p

The most amazing thing is whenever I have a layover I always try to have at least an hour because it never next gate is as far away from the arriving gate as it can get.  So today we arrived at gate 42, have a four hour layover and leave at gate 44.  That never happens.  Too funny.  

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Just a Day

 Pat did not want to learn how to play Fortnite on a game system.  So he ordered himself a gaming laptop from BestBuy.  Said he would be able to use that when he goes to Hawaii also.  Those games are a good time killer sometimes.  

I took the little woman shopping looking for a dino mask.  We did not have any luck.  So I did order her one off Ebay.  While we were out we went back to Walmart.  I had forgotten to look at bikes when we were there with Cassie.  Found a bike for the littlest man for his birthday in a week and a half. She also picked out a few snacks.  There is lots of food at the house, but sometimes it is nice to get to pick.  

The babies spent the night with us.  Again somehow I never got to hold one.  Those babies get passed around like candy.  It got late by the time Cassie got back from picking them up so we just had Little Caesar's pizza for dinner.  Always goes over with children.  

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas 2020

 That big pile of gifts got unwrapped pretty quickly.  I hit it big with the littlest girl.  I even got her things she wanted but she hadn't told orange converse shoes.  They all got new coats, shoes, blankets, clothes and a few toys.  When the unwrapping was done it didn't look so overboard as it did when it was a nice pile around the tree.  Every one seemed pleased.

Cassie made prime rib for dinner.  We gave her helpful advice on how to cook that.

The littlest man and I went out to see how cold it was.  Only 16 degrees.  We didn't stay out too long, but we did get out.  

It really was a nice day.  Totally nontraditional for us, but good anyway.  We knew this year would be different than all those that came before.  And that is why we traveled to be with the littles for the holiday.  It is one thing we have learned this year.  You can't let fear stand in the way of love because tomorrow is NOT promised.  We only have today.  

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve

 Pat and I flew to Indiana today.  We had a brief layover in Chicago and actually saw people in the airport.  You can tell that Chicago is a bigger airport.  We picked up the rental car and arrived at Cassie's about 6:30, just in time for dinner.  Pat had turkey and the rest of us had spaghetti.  Cassie was trying to be very considerate of his diet.  

I went in first and when the littlest man realized I was there he gave me a super big hug and then went running to share "his" news with his big sister.  All the kids were surprised and happy.  It is really nice to be loved that much.  Then Pat came in and both big kids ran to him.  First words out of the little woman's mouth was "did you bring the dogs"? No, no he did not.  

After the kids went to bed we watched Cassie put together all the stockings.  The big kids are going to love that.  And they have not seen a pile of gifts that big ever.  It is different when there are four kids.  

Cassie made a comment about she should just have a room for me.  And when people would comment about her guest room she would say no, that is Dawn's room.  Sure feels like part of me has moved in.  I have a coffee cup, toothbrush and paste, shampoo and conditioner and soap.  All the things I need.  And I just make myself at home now.  Maybe that means we need to look for a five bedroom house when they are ready for a mortgage.  

It is good to be here with my heart.  I feel content.  

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas at Home


We did our traditional thing tonight.  We had Chinese take out.  We opened our gifts to each other.  Becca got earrings, towels and new pink Lugs.  She was very happy.  Pat got tools and a picture for the wall.  I got earrings, a t-shirt and my cat hat.  A nice quiet little evening at home.  It won't be so quiet in Indiana.  

Friday, December 18, 2020

Snow Boots

 Naturally the snow boots I bought the kids last year no longer fit.  Totally to be expected.  Cassie had already bought one pair for child number 3 but those ones are staying at school.  So then she needed a pair for home and there is no way she is even close to wearing a hand me down from my little woman.  

It's Christmas time which is already a difficult time money wise for families.  Cassie commented on dipping into their small savings and then asked if I could help.  So I went online and found a pair for my little woman and my little man.  They will arrive next week.  None to soon as it is cold back there.

I think the kids will actually wear their boots this year.  Last winter the little man refused to wear them.  Course he had to be coaxed to wear pants.  I have noticed he has adapted to the different seasons there and now just wears pants.  ;p

Buying the boots reminded me of my grandma helping out my mom when it was necessary.  She bought our winter wear when we lived in MN.  It's part of being a family and part of the village.  

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Phone Call

 The little man calls me quite frequently.  Even 2300 miles isn't breaking our bond.  Anyway he knows I am coming out there for his little sister's birthday.  And he has decided that is too long between visits.  So he called to ask me to come sooner than that.  

Then of course we went through all the effects on his ipad.  And I got to see the whole family.  I love when I hear the littlest one in the background.  

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 So Pat must have made a comment to his friend in Hawaii.  His friend told him to just change his ticket and come then.  My comment must have been a small catalyst and Mike gave great advice.  Now the ticket he had bought was not changeable....and yet they still allow you to change if the price is right. So he did that and will now be spending a week in Hawaii instead of a long weekend.  

Part of Pat's and Becca's trips overlap.  So I am going to be here with just the dogs for a few days.  I'm kind of looking forward to that.  And I know they will be having good times. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Plant Shut Down

 Pat texted me from work to say his plant is shutting down for two weeks in January.  Vacation days without having to use vacation days.  Got to like that.  I commented that too bad he wasn't going to Hawaii then.  He has a ticket to go see his friend in Feb.  

Monday, December 14, 2020

A Trip

 When I scheduled my trip to Indiana in May I got a really good deal on the flight.  I had a wild hair and wanted to get a ticket for Becca also, but without her input it seemed a bad idea.  These sales I catch are very short lived.

So Alaska Air is still doing the extra off flights whenever Russell Wilson of the Seahawks makes a TD.  Yesterday he made four.  That cuts a ticket almost in half.  So I asked Becca if she wanted to go...duh.  She made sure it was all good on the other end.  Afterall the people she plans to see need to be available and someone has to pick her up at the airport.  

All went according to Hoyle and she will be off to see her sister in January.  Merry Christmas Becca.  

Saturday, December 12, 2020

A Little Sadness


Terri texted me to ask if I had a copy of Granny's rolled out cookies that are made with sour cream.  I don't recall Mom ever making rolled out cookies.  Must be a take on sugar cookies.  We always made spritz and put them through the cookie press.  I told her I doubted it, but I would look.  
I found Mom's recipe box, which is amazing considering I usually have to search and search for stuff.  I start going through it and I'm just struck with how sad I am.  Mom wrote out most of the recipes in her box.  So it is like a little piece of her.  Way in the back I found this recipe.  Snapped a picture of it and sent it to Terri. She said that is the recipe.  
Now I need to make a notation on the recipe that it is Granny's recipe.  

Friday, December 11, 2020

Monsta Got Groomed

 I'm a bad quarantiner.  Monsta had an appointment today for grooming.  So I took her and then I went to Betty's.  I did wear my mask while I was there and stayed away from her.  I walked in and she asked if it was dog grooming day.  I'm too predictable.  

Betty had finished her t-shirt quilt made from t-shirts of places she has been.  It's pretty cool looking.  

She wanted to know what I do during my days.  Well right now...not much.  And when not much gets old I may look at doing something different.  A hobby, a job, volunteering.  The world is wide open once covid is under control.  She commented about it being alone.  And she is probably right.  

Picked Monsta up and she looks beautiful.  She doesn't get too shaggy when we keep her on a good grooming schedule.  

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Back to the Eye Doctor

 That pressure check sure rolls around quickly.  This time I got my eyes dilated.  He took a good look in each eye and everything appears to be under control.  My scar hasn't changed.  My pressure is under control.  Now I'm good until the middle of June.  

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Cooking Anomaly

 Came home on Wednesday.  I have cooked every day except two.  And one of those is because I ate leftovers.  This whole year it seems like I have cooked on average about twice a week.  I know Pat has enjoyed the plates when he comes home from work.  

Anyway I didn't try to make anything new.  Just the old standbys.  I'm sure next week I will be back to normal and then the following week is Christmas week so it is already all messed up.  Wednesday will be Chinese take-out as is tradition on Christmas Eve, it's just this year it is a day early.  The house will celebrate the holiday on Wednesday.

Monday, December 7, 2020

It Starts

 Nothing like a battery draining and needing a jump or charge every time you want to use the car to make you appreciate a nice new working battery. Pat changed it out for me.  At the parts store the computer told them professional installation was recommended so they could not do it.  Took Pat all of five minutes and most of that was finding the tools.  Unclamped it and unscrewed one screw that was attached to a piece that holds the battery in the car.  Swapped them out and replaced the screw and the clamps.  Easy peasey.  I'm not sure I would have been able to do the swap out because of how heavy the batteries are, but still.  

Took the old battery back to the parts store to get my core money back.  Battery tipped over and leaked a bit of battery acid on the floor.  Joy.  Hopefully I got it cleaned up well enough.  Doused it in baking soda after I soaked up what I could.  At least it wasn't a lot.  

Saturday, December 5, 2020


 Jodi and I wanted to go to the Farmer's Market.  Went to pick her  up, but my battery was dead.  So she drove.  We loved the market.  The day was great and there was a lot of different things to look at.

Once we got back I put the charger on the battery.  Once the car started I took it to AutoZone.  They put  the tester on it.  It was fully charged but it threw a bad battery code.  So the alternator was working fine.  There is a bad cell in the battery and hence it won't hold a charge very long.  AutoZone didn't have a battery for my car, so the gal sent me to O'Reilly's.  There I found a battery.  They do install unless it is professionally recommended....well guess what my car says.  Paid my core charge and brought the battery home. 

Pat said he would change it out tomorrow.  Be glad to have that issue resolved.  

Friday, December 4, 2020


 I have now made four trips to Indiana this year.  I made one other trip when the kids were younger.  There was a little strife at that time that kept me from spending the money to go again.  Instead Cassie and family came here.  A couple of times I paid for that or part of it.  Once they drove.  

We've come a long way in our relationships.  We've all grown a lot in the last eleven years.  There have been times I have been angry, disappointed, sad, confused and I'm sure it showed.  Time and growth have a way of putting thing into perspective.  I'm probably never going to understand Cassie moving to Indiana and leaving her children.  But, in the end, since she managed to get away from overdoses and all that life entails, it was the right decision for her.  And it is what allows her to parent now.  

We had a conversation this trip about how people who don't see you, don't see your growth.  In their minds nothing has changed since they knew you.  And it's not just about addiction.  I have done that with some younger relatives who grew up but not in my mind.  It was quite an epiphany.  I'm glad that I have been able to see the growth for her and for me.  I don't know what her label is in my family as there isn't really one.  But she is a part of my family.  She has given me four grandchildren (because I count all four of her  children) that I adore beyond belief.  And if I don't have a label for her, it is double for David.  But, he too, is a part of my family.  

So as long as my heart resides in Indiana, I see many more trips there.  This year will have five by the time it ends.  It may taper off after that a bit.  Never know.  And you never know that I might get a wild hair and make a home there.  

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Didn't Go Away

 No, that is wrong.  The check engine light resolved least for now.  Changed the air filter as the internet said it was the most common reason for the error code.  

The battery though was dead when I got home.  So it is time to do something about that.  I didn't want to deal with it at all before I went to Indiana.  Now that I am back, I have to.  

Here is hoping it is just in need of a new battery.  The one in the car is original. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Home Again, Home Again

 It has been a long day.  My original flights would have put me at PDX at 9:45, but somewhere along that line that flight got cancelled.  So then I was scheduled for a late flight out of SEA and would not get in till 11:30.  Our flight to SEA was an hour early.  I was not looking forward to a three hour layover.  So I stopped at customer service and got on the next earlier flight which got me in at 10:30.  Had to wait for LYFT and finally got home about 11:30.  Tired and hungry.  And now it is time for bed.  Happy to be home and see the girls and sleeping in my own bed.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Damn Chris

 Almost a year ago.  Chris died on my driveway of a drug overdose and then Mike revived him with Narcan. Here is the link to the blog post at the time.  What a Week  At the time I felt like something was watching out for him.  Something gave him another chance to make different decisions.  I say this about Mike all the time. Lost opportunities.  

Today we got word that Chris died of a heroin overdose.  Mike wasn't there with him this time.  I don't know any of the details other than this was the last time.  No more opportunities.  No more different decisions.  No more life.  No more struggles with the demons.  

Chris is survived by his son and his daughter.  He has parents and a sibling.  I send them all light and love and hope that those of his loved ones still in the throes of addiction make different choices.  

When Mike is incarcerated I tend to be completely out of the loop on this world.  I like to reside there...oblivious.  I can't change things for anybody.  But I can feel sadness for all of them.  Addiction only leads three ways.  Death, incarceration or recovery.  It doesn't only affect the addict.  I was rereading the blog post and wondering how I survived some of those weeks.  

Boy Night

 This trip went by so fast and it didn't even feel like we did as much as we did the last one.  For my last night I went to karate with the little man and his gal pal.  That is quite a work out that they get.  They end the class with a long stretch of calisthenics.  I explained to him that it is to gain stamina and then I had to explain stamina.  That gave him a bit of a different perspective since he wants to play basketball.  

After the class was over he and I went out for a late supper.  We went to Applebee's since he really likes it there.  He decided that their chicken was too spicy, but he really enjoyed the shrimp and the brownie dessert. 

My little man is just growing.  He is sad that I have to go home.  He is looking forward to me coming back for his little sister's birthday.  He doesn't know I'm coming for Christmas and bringing a BIG surprise.  

Sunday, November 29, 2020


 The little man turned nine today.  We had a group at the local trampoline place.  The kids all got very worn out.  I loved how Cassie and David were right in there with all the kids jumping.  

After that we went back home and Cassie made the little man his birthday dinner which was pork chops.  We had a lovely cake made my Grandma Jo and then presents.  He was a happy boy.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Second Thanksgiving


Babies and a snake.  We had a second Thanksgiving at David's brother's house. The twins are getting bigger.  Every body got their baby fix.  
They have a ball python.  The little woman has been patiently waiting to be able to meet it.  The snake has to be recently fed for that to happen.  So she was fed yesterday, so today was the grand meeting.  Lots of happiness going on.  All the kids met her, but only the little woman held her and let her crawl around on her.  Taylor, David's sister-in-law, clued her in on how much work a snake really is with the feeding and keeping the right temperatures. I doubt she was discouraged.

Friday, November 27, 2020


 I picked a tremendous day to fly.  The airports were quiet and the planes were no where close to full.  In fact from PDX to SEA most rows had one person.  

The little man was so surprised.  He didn't expect me at all.  It is the best present for him. 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Smallest Thanksgiving

 We had a very nice Thanksgiving dinner.  Rebecca cooked and the rest of us feasted. We had no guests over, so it was very quiet.  Just the four of us for dinner.  Rebecca's daughter came over late with her boyfriend for a few.  

Wednesday, November 25, 2020



What a job.  They turned out beautiful when I finally got done.  
So I baked the shell for the lemon meringue, remembering the last time I baked a shell.  The little man who was littler than he is now locked the oven door.  Now there is a safety mechanism that when it is locked it can't be unlocked until the oven has cooled down.  Naturally I had turned the oven right off but it was a well cooked shell by the time I could open the oven door.  And the little man felt so bad that he tried very hard to get the door to unlock and shifted the hook part so from then on it was a pain to use the oven.  We survived and had good pie that year. 
While waiting on the shell I put together the pumpkin pie and it was easy peasy.  Went right in the oven with no problems and came out perfect.  
The lemon meringue on the other hand became a trial and I felt like I had lost my pie touch.  First I went to make the lemon pudding in the microwave.  After eight minutes following the directions it came out looking curdled.  Wait...what?  It's just egg yolk, water, sugar and oops I forgot the pudding mix.  Now I was happy that was the problem as I could just start over without a trip to the store for more pudding mix (the kind Winco doesn't carry).  Then I have perfect lemon meringue filling.  And hey I already have extra egg whites from my first attempt to use in the meringue.  The directions call for three and I never find that to be enough.  So I like to use six.  I dump the first three in my bigger bowl and start cracking eggs.  The first yolk falls right in the whites and I couldn't get it out without breaking the yolk.  Monsta loved her treat of egg whites with one yolk.  Did I learn?  No.  I then cracked six eggs and separated them.  The last egg some of the yolk falls in the whites.  If there is yolk in the whites it won't beat up and become stiff.  I only have three eggs left so I work very hard to get the yolk out of my whites without making it worse.  I did manage it but it was iffy.  And then it seemed like my whites weren't going to get stiff and I was afraid I must have missed some yolk.  Patience paid off as it worked.  And voila I have a beautiful lemon meringue pie.
Alls well that ends well.  And we will enjoy them tomorrow.  

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Coolness is Not Enough

 So I saw an ad for a really cool t-shirt. It said I studied triggernometry and then had a schematic for a handgun. Mechanically it was really fantastic. I checked out the website on whois because I've had very bad luck buying things off Facebook ads. Looks like a legit company that isn't just started. Go to the their website and realized they don't want to sell anything to me. Their search box suggests searching for Trump, 2nd amendment. They have a nice little ditty that their products are guaranteed to make snowflakes cry. I don't understand why a company in the business of selling stuff would only want to sell to half the population of our country. And I know that my not making my $60 order is not going to hurt them, but I am putting my money where my mouth is and not supporting a business that intends on being divisive. I don't care who you voted for. I don't care if you are a 2nd amendmentist. I do care about ending the hatred. Their website isn't about that and would be better off not taking a stand at all and letting their products speak for themselves, but obviously their political view is more important than sales.

Monday, November 23, 2020


 Every year for 30 years my knives all got sharpened Thanksgiving morning.  It was a job Dave took on and how he would spend the morning while the turkey was roasting in the oven.  Knives got sharpened during the year also, but Thanksgiving they all got sharpened. 

2013 was the last time he sharpened them.  He was too sick in 2014 and he died a few days after Thanksgiving.  Not a skill I ever was able to learn.  I have had Dave try and many cooks in my youth try to teach me how to do it.  Just not in my skillset.  So that means the knives have not been sharpened since then.  There was a store at the mall that you could take knives too, but it closed years ago.  So I just didn't know how to solve the dilemma of getting them sharpened again.  

This year there has been a Facebook ad for a retired chef who sharpens knives.  I've seen the ad many times but never followed through.  But here I am, the week of Thanksgiving, thinking it may be time to sharpen those knives.  So I contacted Garrett on Facebook asking about his availability this week.  He gave me his address and suggested I stop by and drop off my knives.  Which I did.  Then I went home and watched a movie.  Just as the movie ended he messaged me that my  knives were ready.  He had told me how much it would be before I left the first time and it stayed that amount.  I thought it might be higher since the knives were pretty dull.  $30 for three chef's knives and one pairing knife.  They are sharp.  And that is going to make carving the turkey a pleasure this year.  Garrett's Knives

I think Dave is smiling at me.  Probably thinking it was about time.  Maybe the new tradition is that Garrett sharpens my knives the week of Thanksgiving.  

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Nickels and Dimes

 So my check engine light came on.  Oy.  Pat updated his code reader so he could read newer cars.  It is throwing a code for the air intake control.  So I changed out the filter as the internet says that is the number one problem.  I don't think that took care of the problem although there was a lot of crap in the filter.  Dandelion seeds, fir needles, bugs.  Just amazing the things that got into it.  Car still runs just a tad rough when it starts, so it may need a trip to the shop.

Then I had a dead battery.  Wait...what?  I hadn't started the car since I changed the filter.  All the doors were closed.  I checked the glovebox, since I replaced that filter also, to make sure that little light hadn't stayed on.  Nothing.  Charged the battery enough to go run my errand.  Crazy business. 

Next day I have a dead battery.  Oy.  Same thing...nothing left on.  Well the battery is original so it is probably at least seven years old.  It may be time for a new battery.  I think the car can just sit there until I return from Indiana and my quarantine.  But if it is going to start nickel and diming me it may be time to do something else.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Turkey Thaw

 I bought the turkey last week.  Remembered this morning to take it out of the freezer and move it to the frig.  It is an 18 pounder and will take that long to thaw.  Hopefully.  

I'm not cooking it this year.  Rebecca decided she was doing the cooking.  So I just made sure she has most of what she needs.  I do get to do the pies.  Went to the store to get the final touches and got a tad frustrated that Winco didn't have cook and serve lemon pudding.  I need that for the lemon pie.  Guess it means another trip so a different store.  

Wednesday, November 18, 2020



The household got a nice little boost today.  This lovely red cookware set arrived.  It goes with the red microwave and the red crockpot.  The little woman really liked red when she was little and it just stuck. 
The last cookware set I bought is just about done.  I thought it would last a lifetime, but then I am a gal who throws stuff in the dishwasher.  Basically the only two things left in the set were the stock pot and a smaller pot. 
There are plenty of pots and pans here.  Leftovers from sets Mom had, leftover from the set I had before the last one.  Odds and ends that just are there.  And so I wanted a new pretty set and the price was more than right.  
Like Becca and I were talking about......I may never be able to move from here because of all my stuff that makes it our home.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

As Expected

 The governor did issue new restrictions on our state.  Just as I posted before.  I love the for four weeks part.  I'm sure it will be until there is a vaccine we all get or it is next spring.  I'm going to miss El Rancho once or twice a month.  That was my big outing in public, not at a grocery store.  

Looks like thusfar I can still fly to Indiana at the end of the month.  It is the trip after that that is really up in the air.  Anyway I read an article put out about why we shouldn't fly.  How dangerous it is to be on a plane with other people.  How the odds are every flight has someone on it who has covid.  I can't actually believe that because the laws of odds don't work like that.  Getting to the end of the article it says on those rare occurrences that someone caught covid on a plane it was on a long at least six hours and more likely 9-14 hours.  So the recommendation was to not fly on long flights but have layovers.  And make sure to socially distance.  There was a whole long explanation about how fresh air is brought in from the engines.  I had already gotten that lesson from a neighbor, which already made me feel quite comfortable.

So I guess I'm not doing anything different than I have been doing.  I  hadn't visited any indoor place congregating with other people.  Beyond the activities in Kokomo I haven't done any visiting of outdoor places with people congregating.  I haven't been to a movie theater as I have tons of things I can still watch on Netflix.  My biggest thing was that dinner out once or twice a month.  

Onward we go.

Monday, November 16, 2020


 I actually felt like leaving the house today.  I read my last book.  So I had started another one on my phone.  But it just feels wrong reading on my phone in bed.  I need a real book for that place.  I had a couple of disappointments on amazon with books that I ordered through them.  Totally annoys me to get a "short story" by itself and having paid for a book.  I don't mind short stories but I want them in a book with other short stories.  I will probably try again at some point but for now I needed a book store. 

The last time I was in Barnes & Nobles I was absolutely shocked at the prices of new paperbacks and refused to buy one.  I found a few hardbacks by my favorite authors for a greatly reduced half of a paperback and bought those.  So I now need a used bookstore.

Off I went to Literary Leftovers in BG.  You can't sell books back to them anymore as it was not profitable for them.  I get that.  Would have been a great way to not accumulate so many books though.  Anyway I played with their cat.  I found eight books to tide me over for awhile and they gave me a puzzle.  I'm happy.  And I can read my book on my phone the next time I fly.  Seems to work well in that space.  

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Shutting Down Again

 Not completely but definitely curtailed.  Word has come through that due to the Covid 19 really going strong that my state is going to again shut us down.  They say it will be for four weeks, but I'm betting till spring.  No dining in restaurants...take out only.  Retail can stay open this time but only 25% capacity.  Limited number of people in a group, etc.

Last time it seemed excessive.  I only knew one person who had gotten the virus and died.  The number that had died in my county was relatively small.  The whole state shut down though.  And we got on with it.  Some small businesses didn't make it. The economy took a hit.  A lot of people complained.  A lot.  My personal feeling was it was overkill but I still followed the rules because that is what we had to do.  You need a mask to shop, you need a mask to shop or don't shop.  I missed being able to go to a concert, but it is one thing out of a lifetime of things.  Maybe next summer.  

I took my road trip as things were opening back up. Saw how different states were doing things differently.  We finally could eat in restaurants so I did that a couple of times very local.  Felt pretty safe at both places.  They followed all the protocols.  

This time, it is different.  The numbers are a lot higher.  I know two people in the last couple of weeks who have tested positive.  One said she only had a headache and a low-grade fever.  Made me worry about my headache that just keeps lingering.  I have no fever though.  I checked.  

This time I think I will be home even more than before.  I have lots of things I can do here.  And we will see how it goes.  Tomorrow we will hear the details.  I think I better hit the bookstore and get some books. 

Saturday, November 14, 2020


 I talked with Cassie about houses.  Feeling out their plans.  We kind of made our own plan.  If we can agree and if we can qualify for financing we might just buy a house.  Houses are much cheaper in Kokomo than they are here.  

But first I had to make sure they plan on staying put.  For me it is either an investment or part of her inheritance.  For her it is a home that they can paint and hang things on the walls and have more than one pet if they want to.  It's all for them four babies.  

So we have started looking to see what is available.  They have a lease through April of next year.  Which gives us enough time to see if we can pull it together or not.  

Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday the 13th

 Usually a superstitious day.  And yet nothing bad seemed to happen.  No crazy drivers.  Nothing.  Maybe living through a pandemic is enough for this year.  ;p

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Happy Birthday Mike

 Today my son turned 31 years-old.  I still remember that day he was born and how overwhelmed with love I was.  I had never felt that before and have only felt it twice since then.  

I talked to him on the phone.  Sounds clean.  I am always amazed at that.  The only time I seem to hear it is when he has gotten in trouble and spends his time behind bars.  It is not true of all the time he spends there.  There is a difference in tone and how he speaks and what he says.  So today my heart is happy that he is alive and well, even if incarcerated.  

Low Carb Broccoli Cheddar Soup


Our friend Tanya down in CA posted this recipe on facebook.  She is trying to live KETO to a point.  The recipe looked easy enough and sounded good.  So I bought the ingredients needed.  Then I put it together.  Here is the  link to the recipe.  It was very easy.  I used my instantpot so it only took half an hour and I had a pot of soup. 
My opinion was the soup was fine.  I needed to add more salt and it would have been better with more cheese.  But in our lower carb world it wasn't bad.  
Now someone posted a recipe for enchilada meatballs so they are my next trial.  

Monday, November 9, 2020

Paying It Forward

 Today Cassie and David got their loan from the bank to pay off the exorbitant loan they got at the car dealer.  They have every reason to be proud of moving forward in their life and doing all those things that are considered normal.  Their traipse into the drug world and homelessness put them way behind their peers back in their very early adult life.  And so they have come a long way.  Working on their credit.  They did get a loan on their own.  It is a shame that there are companies out there that prey on those with less than stellar credit.  And I understand those companies are taking a risk with people with poor credit.  

Cassie had done the math and she would be paying for that mini-van twice in the six years of the loan.  It is only a $10k mini-van.  Since she has no real experience with credit and loans she did not understand.  Twenty-three percent interest is not good in any way, shape or form.  They had to use all of their savings to even get this loan.  And they needed a vehicle.  One that could haul their family of six.  So they were kind of between a rock and hard place.  

When I arrived to spend time there for the little woman's birthday we worked on remedying this situation.  I could have just let it be and they could make all those payments which would help their credit for the next time they need a loan.  But I couldn't unless they told me to.  The best thing I could do for them, which allowed them to make the payments and build credit (as they should), was to offer to help them get a secured loan from their bank.  And so we went and talked to their bank.  And it was explained to us how this would work.  

It takes time to put things in place.  And so today they were able to actually obtain the loan and pay off the car loan.  Their payment dropped by almost a third and the length of the loan was cut by a third.  And when they are done they will only have paid about 1k in interest.  

When Dave and I were young and starting out we received help.  And it made a tremendous difference in how much breathing room we had to raise the family.  I'm pretty sure the help was because of those kids.  And the best way to help those kids is by helping the parents.  And so I paid it forward thirty years later in helping the parents of my grandchildren.  And really it doesn't cost me that much.  But for them it is phenomenal and still allows them integrity and the satisfaction of doing it themselves.  They make the payments.  

Maybe now I should think about buying a house in Georgia.  ;p

Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Race is Called

 According to the news Biden is the new president-elect in our country.  Now all the fraud theories will come to play.  I watched CNN for all five days quite a bit and there was never anything that looked fraudulent.  It looked like the counting went by in a very careful manner to make sure there was no fraud.  I'm smart enough to realize that some people tried to get ballots counted that shouldn't be.  That is why they check signatures and provide provisional ballots.  Mail in ballots are not fraud nor are they illegal when they are cast and postmarked by 8 p.m. on election day.  

Friday, November 6, 2020

Still Stuck

 Off and on all day.  CNN.  Watching the numbers inch along.  It is looking like Biden will get it.  But I have seen other years where I thought someone had it in the bag and it turns on a dime.  So just watching and waiting. 

I am impressed with how careful the whole process is proceeding.  How many people have voted.  How it is bi-partisan in the counting rooms with every one being civil and thorough, making sure every legal vote is counted and counted right. 

I love how quiet my facebook feed has been.  There was a lot of noise up to election day.  Now it is quiet and that makes me happier.  

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Cousin Lunch

 Beth and I met up for lunch today.  We went to Shari's because it is convenient to both of us.  

When we ordered I was informed I could not have a BLT because it is not on their limited menu.  Bet me.  I didn't make a big deal out of it.  I just ordered a Club with no cheese or turkey.  Then I asked the waitress if she understood what I just ordered and it went right over her head.  She was amused when I told her it was a BLT.  

Beth and I spent three hours catching up.  She retires in about a year and a half.  So she is making plans. She has decided it is time to leave the PNW and maybe settle in Wyoming in a tiny house.  She is spending her time doing all the research she needs to do now and figuring out how to make that happen. 

We talked about old stories,  Just spending time together.  Decided we should do it once a month maybe while she is still here.  Sounds like a good plan.  I admire her choices that is she is making with her freedom.  

That's Funny

 I guess it depends on which side of the fence you sit on whether you would find it funny.  Guess you will be able to tell which side I sit on.

So awhile back I read how it is the liberals who are wearing masks and trying to be considerate and safe.  We have a president who refused to wear a mask and pretty much made fun of it. Okay so conservatives are then thinking the whole thing is a hoax or not so bad or whatever.  Not listening to science at all.  And that is all right, they are entitled to their opinion.  

When it comes to the mask issue...I wear my mask because my state has mandated that every one will wear one in a public building and outside if you can't socially distance.  I understand science, but given the choice I probably wouldn't wear one.  I seem to be an exception in my opinion, but I wear my mask.  

So the election comes up and the president tells his supporters to not use the mail in ballots because of the possibility of voter fraud.  Tells them to vote in person.  And they did in the states where they could.  Liberals on the other hand voted in great numbers by mail to stay away from large groups of people.  Following the science. 

So the counting goes on.  Most (maybe all) states counted the in person votes first and those numbers were for the president.  Once those were done they moved on the various mailed in votes and provisional.  Guess what?  Those votes are coming in in great numbers for Biden.  So naturally we now hear from the president that all votes received after 8 p.m. on election day are not valid legal votes and should not count.  Sorry Mr. President, it doesn't work that way.  

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Stuck on CNN

 All day I have had the television on, off and on. Most of the projections have been made and we are waiting on the battle ground states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada.  North Carolina and Alaska have not been called but they are pretty confidant those go to President Trump.  The news outlets learned awhile ago not to make a projection until it is almost 100 percent certain.  I remember the year they called Florida and then were wrong. 

So I am watching and watching. Could go either way yet.  I'm not anxious.  Just curious.  I am amazed at the voter turnout.  In my voting lifetime it seems like there are less and less voters turning out to vote.  This year is proving to be an exception and I hope the trend continues. I am impressed with how the counting is being done.  It is very transparent with both parties being involved....

Lots of explanations have been given on how the process works.  We still wait.  

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Day of the Vote

 Every four years I am always excited for this day.  No more mass political mailings.  No more big discussions on who, why, what.  The next four years gets decided and we get on with life.  And yes there are still ongoing voting the next four years, but president is the biggie.  

This has been an incredibly odd year.  Just overall.  Due to the pandemic, mail in voting became more of a thing country wide with a lot of pushback.  Ever since it came up many people decided it was going to amount to a tremendous amount of voter fraud.  Here's the thing...there is voter fraud.  People voting who shouldn't be.  I'm sure a couple of dead people will have ballots cast...and hence the signature checking before a ballot is counted.  But in order for voter fraud to make a big difference in the outcome it would have to be countrywide and in big numbers.  As soon as the talk of voter fraud starts before the election, I feel like someone already knows their party may not win and is setting it up.  

My state has been doing mail in only ballots for many years now.  And it works pretty smoothly.  I received my ballot before I went to Indiana.  I cast my vote and dropped it in the ballot box.  It wasn't that I didn't trust the mail, but I was in town and going by the box.  Why have postage paid when I am right there.  So I'm good.  

And then tonight I finally tuned in to the news to see what we know.  Due to the whole country having a mail in option we already know we probably won't know today.  People had till today to vote and that includes mail in.  Mail in has to be postmarked by today but obviously won't get to the counting until delivered by the postal service.  I believe that most states set the deadline for mail in ballots to be received is Friday at 5 p.m.  

And now we wait as votes are counted.  Some as they come in.  

Monday, November 2, 2020

Lovely Flights

 Both flights today were totally smooth.  No turbulence, take-offs and landings superb.  Even in Denver and that so surprised me.  Feels good to be home.  

The little man never asked when I was coming back.  The little woman asked if I was coming for Thanksgiving and I said "no", and then she asked about the little man's birthday.  I try really hard not to lie so I shook my head yes.  I hope she keeps the secret, but it is all right if she doesn't.  

It was a nice trip.  It was a happy heart trip.  They are even more settled into their new household.  We talked about how they felt about that.  I wanted to make sure they understood that they should live with a parent as long as a parent was able to parent.  And they got it.  

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Best Forts


I managed to get one Christmas present wrapped.  It came in a big box.  That box has been well used this week.  Between kids and the cat.  And then the little woman got an airfort for her birthday.  
Once we finally got it set up it went over so well.  The kids played in it for almost a couple hours this afternoon.  

Saturday, October 31, 2020


 We took the kids trick-or-treating.  It was weird to do so in the light.  The time change is tonight.  Usually it happens before Halloween.  We had a spoiled brat, a devil, a super hero and a cat boy.  Our group included one of Cassie's friends and her two kids.  The kids had fun.

Afterwards the younger adults went out and the kids and I had a slumber party in the living room.  

Friday, October 30, 2020

New Hair

 It was planned before I ever came.  We went to Sally's this week and got what we needed to change my hair.  We put a darker brown on top and purple on the end.  I got to experience with the bleaching process. 

I always wanted to do something a bit over the top.  Kind of wish I had done it 30 years ago.  

Dinner Out

We went out for dinner.  To a pizza place in a neighboring town.  A babysitter was hired for the littlest man.  The bigger kids were all well behaved.