Sunday, February 2, 2020


It's almost a month since the kids moved.  Today there was a knock on the door and then the doorbell rang.  Why do kids do that?  Anyway it was a newer friend.  My understanding is she lives with one parent and then the other parent moved into the neighborhood last summer/fall.  So she came to see if the kids could play. 
Before the little man left he pretty much said good-bye to all his friends in the neighborhood.  He may have missed a couple, but he has a large circle. So it really doesn't surprise me that none of them have come by.  I have the oldest ipad so I know when our old neighbor "calls" him to play roblox. 
The little woman on the other hand told no one.  She did not say good-bye to anyone.  She did not go to school with me to return items.  I thought she might so she could say good-bye to the one friend she had in class.  She opted not to.  I would have thought that maybe one of her friends in the neighborhood would check up on her.  Now I don't know why I thought that.  History has already proven that no one ever checks up on her.  The last couple of months she was only playing with one girl, who no longer lives in the neighborhood.  That girl would come over and they would go play.  I don't expect to see her because her grandparents know that my kids moved. 
I find it kind of sad that only one came by to play.  One. 

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