Wednesday, May 27, 2020

New Computer

Took a little nap.  Woke up to the Dell screen on my computer.  That is weird.  It wouldn't let me go anywhere else.  Shut down and reboot did nothing.  Just stuck.  It has been giving me oops messages for awhile.  I thought, perhaps it was the video card as it did it most when there was a lot of things going on on the webpage I was open to. 
This virus kind of limits me.  I could order a computer online and have it delivered in a week or more.  Best buy had three, count them three, that could be picked up and none of those three interested me.  So I drove over to Costco and purchased a new laptop.  Naturally the benefit of a laptop is it can travel with me. 
Set up was pretty easy.  It basically set itself up.  Passwords are horrendous because I choose to let the 'puter remember them.  Does not do any good when it is a new 'puter.  But I'm working on it.  I have the main ones and did some changes since I was all new.  Set up some two step things for security. 
Pat tells me we should still be able to get everything off the old computer.  We will take the hard drive out and put it in something else and move stuff.  Good because there is some stuff that I may need at some point and there are a lot of pictures not on my externals. 

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