Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Settling Down

Our foster parenting is put on hold. The relative placement appears to be going through despite Tanya's best efforts to derail the whole thing. The foster care rules state that recovery has to be a continuous three years and we don't have that yet. They will keep the file and we can reapply when we are more likely to have it be successful. Assuming that we still need it at that point. This doesn't affect the relative placement or the possible adoption that could come later. Whew. And a little down time will be nice.
My truck has been totalled. I will get $7500 for it. Dave is already looking for another truck. I am not. Insurance is still awaiting the police report, but they did say it does say I have no fault in the accident. I knew that. At least the whole process is moving along. I feel better. Still taking my anti-inflammatory which helps greatly. One day I will be surprised that nothing aches anymore.
Our drama queens are pretty much quiet right now. Which means it is time for someone to come up with something new. Would be nice for a little longer quiet time.
Little kids have visitation today. I'm betting neither parent shows up. I'm pretty sure the parents have hooked back up and are together. I'm also certain that my child is back using after his last stint in jail. All that talk was just talk. So sad, but his choice. He was not happy to not get money from me this week. I wonder how long he will keep asking when it doesn't work anymore.
And now back to loving and caring for the little kids. We are so lucky to have them in our lives.

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