Tuesday, May 15, 2012


So I ended up giving Mike a ride to detox.  Naturally there were no open beds.  He is to call twice a day until a bed opens up.  We'll see if he follows through or not.  Not in my control.
Also not in my control is Tanya.  Seems she and Randy got drunk when Mike was released last week and they had a little chat with him.  They told him that he needs to get Audrie out of our house because Dave molested Tanya when she was a kid.  Lovely.
So when she was about ten Dave put vicks vaporub on her when she had a cold.  Somehow this came up in conversation with Dave a couple of years ago and he said something about it.   She didn't even remember it, but has now changed it into he massaged her breasts.  About the time that this incident happened is when we were going through the whole thing with Bill where she had been molested.  We went to the police, had court, and months of counseling for her.  My guess is she is mangling up all the memories in her head.  And you have to wonder what part Randy plays in this since it has never came up before he came in the picture, except for her to ask me about the incident with the vaporub because she didn't remember it happening.
It never stays quiet for long in my life.  Drama.  Joy.  I think I will use Cassie's wording and say that really Tanya is an ankle.

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