Saturday, May 19, 2012


So the wind blew Mike back to our place.  He spent a couple of nights sleeping in the woods.  He ate us out of house and home.  It was one way we knew he wasn't using drugs.  He continued to call Lifeline detox about a bed.  So he had flaked out on Beth, but still did what he needed to do.  Last night he called and they had a bed and he was ready to go in two minutes flat. So I am  proud of him for doing it.  He had to make the effort and he did.  He had to make the choice and he did.
Now whether he continues on and graduates from the program is still all in his ball court.  But for today and that is all we have he is in treatment.  So I am hopeful, but not holding my breath.  And today I am thankful for what is.

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