Sunday, July 22, 2012


I had this whole blog post written in my head on the drive home yesterday from dropping Mike in Orchards. He comes around every few weeks and we relent and break our boundary setting.  Usually we are given the song and dance about treatment and detox.  Right now it is what works and he may have good intentions at that time.
So he showed up on Friday after seeing me at work all week and getting food.  I haven't quite got to the no food part of my boundary, obviously.  He slept on the deck and actually went to detox Saturday afternoon.  His UA was clean so he couldn't stay.  Dave brought him back home and they ended up having a chat about the demon talking to them.  Mike was staying strong.  After I got up from my nap, he told me he couldn't stay clean that day and needed to go and asked for a ride.  So I took him and gave him c-tran money for the rest of his trip to wherever he was going.
And I thought about it on the way home.  It seems like he needs a breather from his life every so often and that is what prompts these trips home for one night.  Seems like it is always one night.  One night of rest and lots of food.  He eats us out of house and home in the short time he is here.  And then he goes back to his life on the street.
And that was all fine and dandy.  Glad he is gone because he does change the dynamics in the household and while I love him, I don't like the changes.  That is why I gave him the ride.
What I didn't know is I also gave a ride to my ipad.  We discovered the theft when we were getting Audrie ready for bed.  Every night she spends a little ipad time in her wind down period.  She likes youtube videos. Not last night she didn't.  And of course she doesn't understand.
This time we filed a police report.  Just done with the stealing.  Makes us feel like the only real reason he comes around is not a breather or a ride to detox.  Makes us feel like the real reason is to see what else he can steal.  Time to get real serious on our boundaries.

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