Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wedding Day

Today was Doug and Kristie's wedding day where everyone got to join them.  They had it up at Beacon Rock State Park.  The shelter was lovely done up with tea lights and flowers.  The backdrop of Beacon Rock and the Columbia River were gorgeous, even if the sun didn't show itself until after the ceremony was done.   Kristie was a lovely bride and the boys were great walking her up the path.  Audrie did her best to be entertaining.  This time around she is all about Donny.  Chased him all over to be with him.  Then she started flirting with Mark.  Mark is Doug's friend from California who performed the ceremony.  She liked him so much she stroked his cheek.  Yup she is a flirt.  They had a lovely lunch afterwards and a scrumptious cake.  The little man got his first taste of cake and didn't even have to wait until his birthday.  It was a splendid day.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures and the story, Natalie. :) Kristie looks lovely. Is that a lily in her hair? My wife chose that flower too. And the cake looks great. Wish I could've been there to eat some.
