Sunday, July 1, 2012

Polly Anna

I am adaptive.  I may get annoyed or depressed for a day, but then I just snap out of it.  Get on with the business of life.  Been that way for a long time.  Maybe it is my sociopath tendancies that just don't let me feel much.  Anyway....
Marilyn posted on facebook about her trip from Missouri to Montana driving.  She commented about the precautions she took.  Flannel shirt and baseball hat to make it appear that there was a man in the car with her.  Wasp killer in her cup holder.  It kind of took me aback.  I would never ever think of those things nor the need to have them.  I would just drive.
Nana Nita was here a few weeks back and commented about never stopping in rest areas with children as it isn't really safe or comfortable.  I'm like...really?  I stop at rest areas all the time with a child in tow most of the time.
We don't have health insurance.  I don't like it, but I don't think about it.  I just know that things will always work out.  They always do.
I am pretty oblivious to my surroundings and I don't live life from a place of fear.  I can remember the neighbor telling me how he answers the door with his nine mil in the back of his pants.  This was twenty years ago.  I don't even think about it when I answer the door.  I just open it.  Totally oblivious I tell you.
We had to take a class for safety at work.  One of the things they expounded on was having your cell phone in your hand and speed dialed to 911.  I didn't even have a cell phone then.  The woman teaching the class told me I was so dumb.  No....I just don't live from a place of fear.  And now that I have a cell is in my purse, not in my hand when I walk in a parking lot.
I'm just a  Polly Anna. And I like being that way.

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