Thursday, February 11, 2016

Broken Heart

Audrie is usually very resilient.  But every once in awhile she lets some real sadness show.  So we are driving down the road and she pops off about climbing the ladder thing at Papa's house.  She is referring to the end of the bunk beds.  It's not a clear memory for her anymore.  So she asks if Adrianna climbed it with her.  Yes, Audrie.  So she asks did Adrianna like her then.  Yes, Audrie.  And then she is quiet.  Processing.
A couple of weeks have gone by and she very quietly asks how come no one likes her.  Now I know there are lots of people who like her.  When I picked her up from school the other day 15 kids must have told her good-bye.  And not the good-bye like we are glad you are leaving kind.  And I have seen her play with kids at almost every park we have gone to.  She even introduced me to a friend from school at Kiwanis Park this week.
But today she feels friendless.  And it breaks my heart.  So I told her I like her.
And I really need to find her a good friend.  She needs that one friend that makes everything else smaller.  When I was six my friends were my cousins.  But she is right.  She doesn't have a cousin close by who can be her friend.  Her cousins up north like her, but they live just far enough away that she doesn't see them enough.
Maybe when we are moved into our new neighborhood we will find a friend or at least some playmates.  And in the meantime I think some extra love is in order.

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