I see the little woman growing in so many ways. She is maturing. Still throws nice temper tantrums, but fewer of them. She amuses herself better if she needs to. Lately she has been interested in the body. Especially babies in the body. We have done a lot of talking about that. We have been talking about how bodies grow and the nutrition they need. She understands protein for muscles. And she understands calcium for bones. So she pops off with what happens if we don't have bones. What an intriguing question from a little girl.
It just so happened that at about this time we had a Mr. Thrifty Skeleton on clearance at work. He was missing a femur, but the rest of the bones were there. So I bought him for $5. Much better than the normal $60 price tag with two femurs. They devoured those bones. Looking at them and where they connected. Talking about them. Showing me where other things in the body fit in. Like the stomach.
I have been slowly getting rid of old textbooks. Well the little miss grabbed one to keep. She calls it the brain book. It is an anatomy book. And she looks at all those pictures.
I love how she is pursuing her interest all on her own. I love that she is interested in how her world works starting with her body. Her brain works different than mine, but she is still a smart little cookie.
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