Thursday, July 27, 2017

Five Guys Named Moe

We were thinking about it anyway, but then Marti invited us to meet her there.  So we went to Esther Short Park for the Six to Sunset Concert.  It was Five Guys Named Moe, which is a 13 member band who rocked.  Several of the sponsors were on hand and giving away product.  Some had activities for the kids to do.  Mine enjoyed some Cherry Dr. Pepper from Corwin and the little man made a button at the PUD booth.
We all danced and the little woman was invited on stage to dance along with a few other girls.  It was the highlight of her night.  She was so excited.  One of the moves they were suggested to do was the robot and she nailed it.  Who knew she could robot.
The little man had to tell Marti his joke and she laughed and laughed.  He spent the majority of his time on the playground wearing himself out.  He did listen to the band for awhile and you could see part of his body moving to the beat.
I'm not super fond of that green dress she was wearing, but let me tell you it was perfect in a crowd.  I could spot her anywhere she was.  It really stood out and no one else was wearing any color near it.
We had such a great night.  Maybe we will see who is playing next week.

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