Monday, July 10, 2017


First day of rush.  Last day of Cassie's visit.  An odd day.  Rush didn't feel rushy.  I guess it did to the cashiers.  Now granted they deal with all the people buying something.  We deal with the people with book bags and questions.  Most of the day there was just one of us manning the bag check booth and we could have just done with security and let people use the cubbies.  It is so hard to predict how rush is going to go.  I believe tomorrow is part security day and the rest of the time is inventory prep.
The little man got himself banned from a neighbor's yard.  He was playing with the boys and something happened.  He hit their mom's car with a stick.  And so now he can't play there.  Actually not a bad thing in the long run.  But oy.
We did not hear from Cassie at all.  Makes me sad that she spent so little time with them this year. Last year she made much more effort.  Of course this year it would have taken effort to come see them.  She only saw them when I did transportation.  So a few hours on Sunday.  A good visit over the fourth until the afternoon of the fifth and then lunch yesterday.  I don't comprehend, but then I guess I don't have to.  Actions tell lots of stories to lots of people.  I just hope that the littles think of it as something different than what it was.
Now we get back to our life and our plans.  Not waiting to see what is going to happen.

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