Tuesday, July 3, 2018

A Week

Awhile back a friend commented on needing counseling for her nephew that she was raising.  The first conversation was how the counselor never showed up for the appt. with him and his mom twice.  And the third time was a reschedule by the counselor.  Now that seemed off to me.  I've never ever heard of a counselor not showing up for an appt., but I don't know the specifics.  The next conversation was a new counselor was finally found but there is a waiting list and he was on it. 
That waiting list thing scared me.  I've known for awhile that we would be moving into counseling.  And I have avoided it as long as I could.  Flying rolling pins kind of make the time now. 
My first call was to the insurance company.  I want to know how to do this in the correct order, etc.  So the woman looked up what he can receive with insurance paying for it.  And I have no idea what that was.  Then she looked up a list for me of who I can call.  All the places on the list take our insurance. 
I start making calls.  First call I end up leaving voicemail for intake.  Second call, they need to send information to his doctor and then they will get back to me.  Third call, they can't even talk to me without copy of all the paperwork that gives me the right to find care for him.  They can't even tell me if they have someone in their group who deals with children born drug affected. 
I dig out my paperwork and am just about ready to head to the local office of the third place when the phone rings.  This woman not only talks to me, but takes a lot of information over the phone.  Sets me up an appt. for next week for intake.  Told me the intake person will most likely be his therapist and that in the fall she comes to  his school.  Yes they deal with drug affected children.  And yes they will need a copy of the paperwork, but I can bring it to the first appt. 
A weight got lifted off my shoulders.  I have started this road we must go down.  It is nice to talk to someone and not have them wanting to know how I could let this happen.  Not wanting to know if I beat his ass or knocked him down a few pegs.  You can't teach someone not to hit by hitting them.  And that is not to say that I haven't spanked....I already know I spanked too much and it never did any good.  These are not normal babies who react like every one else.  These are drug babies with different brains.  And so the relief is there that we are doing something.  Being proactive.  And it all starts in a week.  Just a week. 

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