Tuesday, July 10, 2018


We had our first intake appt. today.  This one for the little man.  It was two and a half hours of some hard questions.  The little man did great.  At one point the evaluator realized he always looked to me for the hard answers.  So she sat with him for a good 20 minutes by himself and he answered more questions and probably more truthfully. 
We have experienced some traumas in our life and it has affected us more than I put together.  I'm not sure that I necessarily deal quicker than the littles, but I stuff stuff better.  I've had a lot of years to practice that.  And so there were incidents that I hadn't given any more thought to once they were a few days old.  The littles, on the other hand, are still processing some of those.  And all the things added together say I made the right call in starting this ball rolling. 
I also learned some things I was doing wrong and she gave me ideas of changes to make.  I certainly do not want to make things harder or worse and sometimes I have.  But I didn't know.  So the saying is we do the best we can and when we know better, we do better. 
It is hard to answer questions honestly that make you look bad.  And I don't think I am bad, just have not made some great choices.  But it feels like it makes me look bad.  My saving grace in doing it and doing it in front of the littles is honesty and showing them that we can be honest with a therapist.  We all need a hand right now, but them more than me.  I do this for them and to hopefully make things more at peace in our sanctuary. 
As we neared the end, the therapist asked if I had scheduled an intake for the little woman.  She gave a lot of input during this intake, so the therapist said the little woman has a lot to say.  When we were all quiet and settled for the night I asked her what she thought and she thought it would be a good idea.  It can hopefully help her anxiety.  And so that is my next task. 

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