If spiders live outside I leave them alone. If they live in my shower I tend to leave them alone as long as they stay in their corner. I don't know why but it seems like I have had a spider living in the shower for years and years and years. Different spiders because they die. There is no food in the shower. I have caught spiders inside and put them outside. Sometimes we squish them. And that is that.
So when the exterminator came to spray stuff for the ants he made a comment about my spiders. I'm not sure if it was an insult or just an observation. But he told me this is the most live spiders he has ever seen in a house before. Seems I have the daddy long leg variety living in just about every corner he could see. He was only in the front rooms and the main bathroom. So he shows me and I'm surprised, but not.
I've only told the story twice. One of those times I was asked if I dusted. Wait...what? Dusted the ceiling? No. I don't even see the ceiling. I don't see the cobwebs. I'm pretty sure that comment was an insult. And not helpful at all.
I spend enough time in a fog, probably from depression. I will come out of it and see stuff and just be amazed. I spend enough time trying to maintain a reasonable state of clean with two littles. I spend enough time refereeing said littles. I spend enough time dealing with the issues and messes they bring to my life. I spend enough time exhausted that even if I see it, I don't have the motivation to do something about it. And then when I do someone turns around and has a fit and makes a bigger mess. I feel like I'm not even treading water most days. So the ceiling is not very far up on my priority list.
Today is a good day. I see the cobwebs and actually did something about them. So today I dusted the ceiling. The littles are outside playing which freed me up for a little while. Honestly though the spiders didn't bug me. It's not like they were on the counters like the ants.
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