Wednesday, January 23, 2019

And the Fun Begins

The little man and I had therapy today.  And then we met with the brain doctor.  This is part of the program the therapist called coaches, I think.  It involves a lot of testing to see where he really is in development.  I really liked Holly and he really liked her room.  New toys to explore.  We are going to begin with the frontal lobe testing.  She doesn't want to repeat anything the school is already going to do for the IEP.  So no IQ testing right now at the Children's Center.  My understanding is the results from CC will be shared with the school team in helping with the IEP.
So the frontal lobe is one of the main components affected by drug use while pregnant.  That is where we are heading.  She explained it like a car.....the intelligent part is the engine and the horsepower.  The frontal lobe is the brakes.  So it doesn't matter how good the engine (intelligence) is.....if the brakes(frontal lobe) fail, the car crashes.
The positive takeaway was it is easier to retrain the brain now, rather than waiting until he is a teenager.  And that is exactly my thinking.  That is one of the reasons we are doing this.  This testing will tell us a lot about where we need to go from here.  What will be the most beneficial in treatment.
I also liked that I was a bit validated.  My own insights are spot on and she said more than once that I don't get any down time.  Nope.

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