Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Back To It

I had an appointment today with the therapist.  We talked about the trauma the littles went through.  We talked about some of the loss they have gone through.  And there is a lot of loss.  We talked about how our neighbors seem to be hyper-vigilant now mostly in response to how the little woman reacts to her anxiety.  I believe only one neighbor really has a sense of what goes on here.
The good is that there have been no cops called since before Christmas.  We talked about how stupid that is.  And in a time when it might not be stupid...by the time a neighbor would call, the incident is all over and they have no reason to be there.  We did talk about how that is a paper trail for the hyper-vigilant.  Oy.
The therapist is going to talk to the little woman's therapist about giving the little woman some new tools in handling the little man.  She automatically tells him no when he asks for things.  And "no" is a trigger for him.  The little woman, like me, gets to learn a new language.  And let me tell you, it is hard.  It is so easy to fall back into old patterns.
The little man and I ended our night with a spat.  Things flew.  I'm going to have fun finding all the game pieces tomorrow from his games.  I'm just saying stop and it isn't.  Because he only hears the loudness and the anger...(hard not to be angry when a remote hits you in the face).  Afterwards I can always tell where I went wrong.  And then we calm down.  Just shows that we are not anywhere near done yet with therapy.

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