Friday, January 4, 2019

Deja Vu

The little man and I were all alone today, so we went to Costco.  Then I dropped him at Pat's house and off to my rescheduled meeting at the school.  It went better than I expected.  At least for now.  We shall see how things progress.
The little man has a 504 in place and they will start the process of testing and evaluating for an IEP.  As they said they can't say whether he will get one.....but they said they think so.  With the behavior issues I am sure he will.
When we were all done with that, we talked about CPS.  Turns out two of the calls came from the school because of the mandatory reporting.  But they were reporting what two of my neighbors told them. I am sure of one.  Not sure of the other.  I wish I could remember who it was I had the conversation about domestic violence with.  I also got clarification on the teacher comment.  Made me feel a tad better.  I did not feel anger or frustration with the school.  In fact I was appreciative of their honesty.  If my math is right we have about 28 days before the case closes again.  And in the meantime I am not talking to any of my neighbors.  As I have may not make the call yourself and pat yourself on the back for it.  But if you do something that causes someone else to make the call, it is the same as you doing it.
The little man returns to school on Monday.  Yay!

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