Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Alcoholic Games

It is just so amazing how quickly one can fall right back into old patterns of alcoholic behaviors. I guess it is something we all deal with until all the family members are in recovery and that means we will always be dealing with it.
So I said no to Myk today as I know I should. I did not try and make it right for him after his sister kicked him while he's down. She wants to do that and be powerful and in control, well it is between him and her. He might learn something from it. And I remembered to not enable.
I'm trying to let all of that generation make their choices and live with their consequences. I know better than to offer unsolicited advice or opinions. They have to make their road and live it. So I have to not get sucked in when Tanya tries to justify her actions. Got to let it go. Got to let Myk's anger go as he needs to learn how to deal with that.
I have to remind myself that it is not really me personally everyone is lashing out at, but at their choices, their consequences, their diseases. I just happen to be standing where the fall out hits. Maybe I need to find a new place to stand. :P
Oh and Doug, don't think that leaves you off the hook. Just right now they are the ones acting out. You have your own consequences from your choices. :P Just you aren't getting all over me today. We are an alcoholic family and that is never going to change.

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