Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So Dave sent me texts asking why I am colder and pulling away.  I was in the middle of tryng to get a phone line, so I didn't respond.  One thing at a time.  Then he texted again saying he hasn't done anything lately to warrant it.  Again I did not respond.  Then he asks if he can come see the kids.  So I say sure if you can drive.  Tells me he is completely sober.
When he arrived he actually looked sober, but he sure was happy.  Now maybe he really was happy.  Happy to see the kids.   Happy to have been given the okay to start using his foot.  Just happy.  I don't know. Dave isn't that happy.  Anyway we broached it a bit.  I gave him his key to his toolbox back as I no longer feel the need to look for his bottle.  He again for the umpteenth time tells me there won't be any more bottles.  Says it with a straight face.  Tries to tell me that the whole last year he was just overwhelmed.  And while I agree with him in that assessment....that is just an excuse to make it all right.  It's not all right.
What I heard was a whole lot of talk about the doc giving him more dilaudid and how he is being very careful with it.  And how he hasn't been drinking...he is just tired.  What I heard is the same kind of stuff Mike is telling me when he is trying to convince me of something.  So actions....not words.  Either way I guess Dave hasn't figured it out yet.  I'm not coming back.  I don't ever want to look for the bottle again.
I like my life now.  I really like my life now.

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