Monday, April 7, 2014


First day of spring rush. We got a helper from the textbook department to help in bag check for a couple of hours. When she got there I told Spencer to explain how it works with the numbers. She looked around and said the backpacks were all black and looked alike so how did we tell them apart. I commented that was what the numbers were for. Of the 80 backpacks sitting there about 70 of them were black.
None of us realized how offensive it was to the black man retrieving his backpack. I apologized and moved back to my post at security. He followed me and asked who he could lodge a complaint with. I told him the manager and asked him if he would like me to get her. He did and so I did. He made his complaint.
I have no idea what, if anything, Monica will do. She listened to him and thanked him for bringing it to her attention. In his circumstance it was offensive for him. We just weren't thinking and we were talking about the backpacks. Gives us something to think about in how we say what we say. Any other moment and it would have just passed into nothingness.

I knew it wasn't going to be just another Monday.

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