Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sucky Birthday

Now to be fair, Pat celebrated with me the weekend before and gave me a sleeping bag.  Mike called the day before and we decided that he would not use his last call to call me on the day.  So they did remember.  At work I got a cake and they sang the song.  First time I have been sang to in a very long time.  Other than that I got nothing.  I really didn't expect anything from the littles as they are little and have no clue.
So it starts with Dave.  It is the first birthday without him since I was 19.  And of course that means no presents from the littles because that was his job.
We went out for dinner with Mom and she was cranky and the littles were cranky.  Made for a super enjoyable evening.  NOT.  Mom did remember that it was my birthday after I was in bed and she left a message on my machine.
Doug and Tanya again showed their colors.  I don't know why that surprised me.  Guess I was hoping that he would use it as an olive branch, but I guess not.  Just like Christmas.  His and Kristie's presents are still sitting in my closet.  Just a reminder I guess of how much smaller my family got with one death.
We had had my and Elizabeth's  birthday cake at family dinner the weekend before.  My cake, my choice.  And I wanted dark chocolate with cream cheese frosting.  And I had that.  I ate one piece and left the rest at Mom's.  Well Tanya almost acted put out because chocolate gives her a migraine.  Sorry.  She choose to eat a piece and sure enough the next day she had a migraine.  Not my fault.
And then the day after my actual birthday she remembered and texted me.  I said thanks and that is was pretty sucky.  Her response of "Awe, how come/"  just didn't really come across well.
I think the biggest part really was just missing Dave.  But it was kind of a sucky birthday.  Next year will be better.

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