Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Sign of Papa

We took an early evening walk before it got dark so we wouldn't need our mace.  Course by the time we got home it was dark, but that is not the point.  We walked over to the playground in BG Village.  On the way back the littles found this piece of pipe stacked up between two big pieces of concrete,.  And it was exactly as cool as I always said it would be.  They played going from one end to the other and jumping out of it.
Dave and I had always planned on making some kind of structure using ADS pipe because it is cool to play in.  We just hadn't gotten to it.  So it was like Papa put this here just for them.
And that opened up a conversation about missing Papa.  All three of us agreed how much we missed him and how much we wanted him back.  We know we have to content ourselves with him being in our hearts and each other.  So while we were sad we had a good talk and remembered.
I believe he was sending us light and love back for all the light and love we send to him.  And what a great thing....that piece of pipe just sitting there in the middle of nothing.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Time to Change the Name

Connor is listed as a McLaughlin.  Paternity was not established when he was born so Cassie went with her maiden name.  When he was 11 months old paternity was finally concluded and Mike was named the dad.  I always knew from the night before he was born, but legally it took that long.  Now if everything had happened quickly we could have changed his last name and it would have been easy peasey and free.  My life never works that way.
So today I was at the Center for Community Health and we did some checking.  Turns out Mike did get added to the birth certificate.  If he hadn't we could have done it and most likely changed Connor's last name for free.  My life never works that way.
So the next step is to get a legal name change with the courts.  The woman told me it is really spendy.  Like $150.  Trust me in the scheme of things that is not that spendy.
This is something that Dave really wanted done and he was going to pay for it.  He just didn't get to finding out what we needed to do.  So it has been left to me.  And I'm working on it.  It is something Mike and Cassie want.  Life will be easier if we all have the same name.
And yeah...I'm never changing mine.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Still a Kubota

Dave said I would still be driving a Kubota and he was right.  Just not his Kubota.  Still laughing from when he told me I  couldn't have his because it wasn't paid for.  Now I just use Betty's to mow her yard.  So at least I kept one of my mowing jobs and I gained Mom's back again.  We will have to see what happens with the other job.  And since I don't own one, I don't have to worry about maintenance, gas or broken belts.  ;P
He was also right about hers being a killer in the trees.  I have a learning curve.  The deck is a little wider and it has a roll bar that catches branches.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Another Adventure

Travis finally came and fixed Mom's fence today. After he was done he found this lizard and he gave it to Audrie.  She freaked out a little bit but then was enchanted.  She liked it best when Aryanna held it.  Seems like everything that happens to us is an adventure.  I'm just glad the little things amuse them so much.

Friday, March 27, 2015


Doug finally turned off Dave's cell phone and the house phone.  Almost four months after Dave died. So the estate paid those bills all that time.  The cable TV went for two and a half months after Dave died.  Last I heard the car, truck and bike are still fully insured.  Yup....Doug is one responsible person.  Wasting estate money and yet claiming to be making sure there is money for the children.  But at least he finally FINALLY did something constructive.  Oy.  And he thinks he is so superior to all of us.  Yeah right.

An Adventure

We had a glorious walk to the playground down the road.  Its a mile walk in each direction.  Audrie made it all the way on her own power. Connor made it all the way there and three quarters of the way back.  We met several dogs.  One a Saint Bernard named Diesel.  He was watching us out the window when his owner pulled up.  Turned out we knew the kid who lived there so we got to meet the dog.  Aryanna found a dead bird and was excited.  She left it and then retrieved it on the way back.  Heard she dismantled it.  It was pretty old so she just got bones.  They all picked flowers out of yards.  Yeah shame on them.  However in our defense they only picked ones almost done so they actually were just deadheading a day early.  They had the playground all to themselves.  It was very nice and good for the littles to get out and get some fresh air and burn some energy.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Letter

It's been almost four months babe.  Four months since you left and I have been without you in my life.  It feels real and surreal at the same time.  I still think about texting you when we are doing stuff.  So now I just send the pictures to the littles' relatives.
I dream about you, think about you and miss you.  I still find myself falling in love all over again.  I look at all the pictues and watch the videos.  You really were very good with the littles.  And they needed it so bad.  I'm glad they got what they got and feel sad for what they will miss.  They won't know it though because they won't have comparisons.  So it is all just my emotions.
Thank you for making me strong.  I'm going to need all that strength to finish this job we started of parenting grandchildren.  You were the last person I could count on for real help.  After you left that became very apparent to be a true statement.
You were my partner, my go to guy for babysitting, rides, milk and help.  You fed us and loved us and took care of us.  And we are missing all of that.  But we will perservere.  We are strong.  We are your memory and all you held dear.  You helped make us who we are.
Thirty one years babe.  I always knew I would outlive you, but I thought it would be more than that.  I'm so grateful for them though.  I remember when I met you.  I remember our first couple of months of becoming the best of friends.  And how that grew into our marriage.  You are still the only man who I could talk with for hours.
I remember our wedding, our honeymoon, all our trips, working on the property, working on Grandma's property.  We helped where we could.  The best thing we did was build that deck for my grandparents.  You and me.  Together we did great things.  We experienced life.  Camping, the beach, the friends, work, fun.
I have the stories I am going to tell until my dying day.  Like the fruit salad debacle on Dad's last Thanksgiving.  Your last Thanksgiving.  Snorkeling with Mike and Josh on Maui and the fish scaring Josh.  "Cats in the Cradle', the song that can almost make me cry.
Dealing with the alcoholism was tough, but I think it is where some of my strength comes from.  I know you didn't choose it in the beginning.  I know you didn't choose for it to be the ends to the means.  It just was.  And it makes me angry.  God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
I miss you every day.  I love you till my dying day and beyond.
Light and love wherever you are.  You are always in my heart and on my mind.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Mattress

When we went to the Wildlife Safari my mom complained about the hotel mattress.  Said she couldn't wait to get home  to her own bed.  Then she started complaining about her mattress.  Guess she and Pat flipped it and that didn't help.  So she decided it was time to buy a new mattress and she did.  Pat took her and she bought a pretty nice mattress.  One day and she said nope it wasn't going to work. So I took her back to the store and she upgraded to a tempurpedic.  Those are spendy.  She got it and right away started complaining about it.  Hurts her back.  Makes her feel swaybacked liked the old beds on the farm.  It is a very very soft mattress.  So I told Pat it was his turn again. He was busy and didn't get right to it.
She has been sleeping on it for a week.  Calls me and says let's go shopping for new bedding for the new mattress.  I was like oh I didn't know Pat had taken you yet.  Oh he didn't.  This new mattress is much better.  Not swaybacked or anything, just squishy.  Oy.  Okay then.  We went to the mall and shopped for sheets.  She insists that the mattress was only twelve inches high.  I'm sure it isn't .  So we bought the 20 in sheets just to be safe.  And she was happy.  I got taken out to dinner as my reward.
Have to laugh.  It is either that or cry and get extremely frustrated.  Pat and I had both figured if she slept on a mattress for longer than a day it might be fine.  Glad it was.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Audrie An Introvert??

From the day she could verbalize and became mobile I have always had a sense that Audrie was an extrovert like her daddy.  She used to go sit with other people in restaurants to eat.  She visits with other people all the time.  But lately I have been noticing her spending a lot more quiet time.  She will be outside playing with all the other kids and then come in and spend time on the I-pad or watching TV.
I asked her who she plays with at care house and she informed me not anyone.  Broke my heart.  She did say she plays with Emma when they go outside on the tire swing.  And I have seen her play.  So I asked her what she does and she told me she does puzzles or reads books.
So maybe she takes a bit more after me and Papa.  We are more on the introvert part of the spectrum.  And maybe she just needs that quiet time once in awhile to recharge.  Maybe she doesn't recharge by being social like her daddy/
I'm going to watch for awhile longer though just in case something else is going on that I'm missing.  But I think she may just be a bit introverted.

Monday, March 23, 2015


I guess Dave's house alarm was going off today.  Judy can vouch for me that I was at home and not breaking in and stealing stuff.  It was probably nothing.  Not sure why Doug would turn it on other than to bother the neighbors since he isn't going to do anything about it going off.  Still paranoid I see.
When it comes down to it, it just shows that he is more concerned about stuff and money than people and relationships and isn't that sad.
I'm just laughing about the alarm.

Same Old Song and Dance

So I did every thing when I was suppose to do it.  Works better that way when dealing with the state.  But then they sent me a form asking for actual hours worked in Jan.  So I sent that in right away even though I had just filled out the forms for the year.  They took the hours and decided that I only needed day care 13 days a month.  Ouch.  I usually work 16 days a month.  That means I would owe the day care $240 for those extra days for two kids.  And they retroed it to Feb. 1.  I already worked 16 days in Feb.
I called and they told me to send in some newer schedules and I did.  And then I didn't hear anything.  I checked the answer line and it said I was still at 13 days a month.  Starting to getting a little nervous.
Called today and only had to wait ten minutes.  The lady checked and they had upped me to 18 days a month and if I work more all I have to do is verify it and they will pay it.  I am soooooo relieved.  So it is just the same old song and dance of having to jump through hoops.  And really I don't mind doing that.  I so appreciate the day care being paid.  And now I'm good for the year.  Shouldn't have another dance until next year as long as I do August right for the rest of it.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Another Family Birthday Dinner

Pat's birthday was last Sunday and he didn't want to do family dinner for it.  He had other plans.  So we postponed till today.  He also wanted a cake with frosting.  Tanya's birthday was also last week so the cake was not to be chocolate nor the frosting.  The littles picked this one with string and sprinkles.  I bbqed up some burgers.  We dined.  Connor ate and ate and ate. He ate two thirds of a burger and then proclaimed that he didn't like it.  Yeah right.   I think we have a growth spurt coming.  And the cake was delicious. It was quite a nice evening.  The three littlest kids definitely got wound up after the cake.  The sugar would be my guess.  The best part of the dinner was when Elizabeth opened the salad with gusto and some of it went flying on the table.  Well then.......
One more cake next month and then we are done till the fall.  :P


So I'm doing my laps and a lot of time it is after dark.  I like walking in the dark. It is quieter.  So Jason, my neighbor across the parking lot who sometimes walks with me, asks me if I have mace.  I look at him with complete confusion.  He tells me it is dark outside.  Well yes, yes it is.  And no, no I don't carry mace.  Wouldn't even think of it.  I didn't tell him about all the nighttime walks the littles and I take and we don't carry mace then either.  I do however have my cell phone.  It's the best I can do.  Nice of Jason to think of that for us, but my mind just doesn't work like that.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Farmer's Market Opening Day

Opening day at the Farmer's Market 2015.  We stopped at the playground first.  They played and played.  Audrie has figured out how to pump on the swings.  Yay!  I get tired of pushing.  And then the shower hit.  All the other kids left the playground.  I stood under the slide and they continued to play.  They got drenched.  Finally they were done and we went to the market.  We bought some bread that Connor said was excellent.  He kept eating all the samples.  And we got a bouquet of flowers for the neighbor.  They each picked an apple on the way out and did really good jobs of eating them.  Seems to be a Farmer's Market tradition for us.

Friday, March 20, 2015


It is the first day of spring.  I stopped at the store on the way home and picked up some flowers.  Flowers for inside in a vase and flowers for outside in our pots.  Connor swears he will leave them alone this year.  I didn't even bother last year because he made quite the mess the first year.  So we shall see.  Got the pots cleaned up and ready to go.  Maybe tomorrow.

So Dumb

So Kristie came to the college today to sell back her books.  Doug walked her to the building but not in.  She did her business which was none.  She looked like a hung dog when she was done.  Walked back out and met Doug just past the front door.  I'm like Wow........ok.
And then I decided to text Doug and tell him he should have come in and said hi.  Well didn't he text me right back.  Oh he didn't know I was there.  Right.  And Kristie didn't realize I was at the door until after I texted.  Wait....what?  I texted a good ten minutes after they left.  I don't text while working.  So again...how did she know where I was when she came in if she only realized it after I texted? Right.  Yeah she was so busy focusing on selling her books and it was a complete waste of her time.  Okay I'm not even commenting on that.
I think Doug does not realize that I do not believe the lies he tells.  I know why he didn't come in the building.  And I know she saw me and I don't care that she didn't say anything.  I was calling him out on his immature behavior.  It is kind of funny actually and I decided to not just let it pass.
Dave would be proud of me.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

I Have a Will

I have a will and one that is all valid. Makes me feel really relieved.  I just knew something was going to happen before I got it done.  Glad it didn't.  It is very simple.  No long drawn out complicated affair.  We had a couple of quick changes to make and it was good.  And then I paid the attorney the big bucks.  Sometimes you have to do that if you want to be sure everything is right and the way you want it.
And of course down the line I can always change it if it becomes necessary.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Audrie came in with her feelings hurt.  She said that Desiree kept telling her she was ugly.  Now my gut reaction is one of great annoyance and makes me want to smack that little girl.  That's not going to happen.  So I tell Audrie how beautiful I think she is.  She is as beautiful as her beautiful Mama. And I tried to explain how some people have a hole in their heart and they think that saying hurtful things about other people will make them feel better.  I don't know if Audrie understood, but she seemed calmer.
After some time to think about that.....I have decided that maybe I will tell Desiree how beautiful her Mama is and how she looks just like her Mama.  Because her Mama is and she does.  Maybe no one has ever told her.  It won't heal her hole either, but maybe it will fill it in just a tiny bit.


I'm nothing if not passive aggressive.  However I think I am growing.  I spent a day thinking about the Greg situation.  The red flags.  The untruths.  And while we had fun hanging out, I just couldn't any longer.  I want my relationships to be healthy and not based on faulty foundations.  So I decided that rather than just kind of going away I would explain my stance.  And I did.  And it felt good to take a stand, be assertive and explain it.  Be the kind of person I admire.  And now moving on.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Good Choices....NOT

So I decided to let my old bi-polar neighbor know that someone hacked her fb account and wrote some nasty stuff in her about section.  She then told me how they have to go to court on Thursday because of the domestic violence.  Wait...what? Greg never said anything about any of that. In fact he told me he had a dr. appt on Thursday.  Hmmm
So then I dig a little deeper.  I hadn't done any digging before because we were friends and I never felt the need before.  Well he had a no contact order before with his first wife.  He has a no contact order with his second wife.  He also told me the marriage wasn't valid because the paperwork wasn't turned in in time.  Well not according to public record.  He is married and that means no divorce is in the works at the moment.
I don't need to know all the details. But if we are being up front and honest then he should have said something about it.  Especially when I told him I am a facebook stalker.  I do an awful lot of research when the mood strikes or the need arises. To not say anything means it is hidden and I don't like hidden.  Hidden means there is a secret.
So I'm pretty sure I'm not going on any more dates with Greg.


So Audrie lost her first official tooth.  It is actually tooth number four.  We are not sure what happened to tooth number three.  Anyway it was loose and she was wiggle wiggle wiggling it.  She lost it at care  house and they put it in her lunch bag.  She is so excited to get a gold penny.  I have no idea where that comes from.  Hope she isn't too disappointed when it is a dollar.  My little girl is growing up.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday my brother.  I still remember Grandpa taking me to town so I could see my baby brother.  In those days kids were not allowed to go visit in the hospital.  So I got to see him through the window from the parking lot.  I was four years old.  And that baby became my playmate until we were teens.  Running around the farm, playing on the swing set.  We had rabbits together.
I can remember making him so mad that he would try to hit me.  I had longer arms so I just held him away from me.  Worked great until he broke his arm.  Then I quit making him mad on purpose.
We have weathered some great family storms.  Our parents' divorce.  Deaths.  Kid issues.  Sicknesses. He is my go to guy for all things mechanical.  He is my rock in any storm.  I hope I am his.  He is my brother and I love him.
Light and love Pat.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Revisiting Relationships

When I say that Dave was always my husband I hope I am not rewriting history.  And I don't think that I am.  After I moved I visited the notions of dating.  I visited the notions of serious relationships and I tried to reconnect with George.  I did reconnect with Dave.  We just were so much happier with our relationship living apart.  And it was till death do us part even with the legal document of divorce. I did not date. Dave and I had healed our breach.
And then Dave died.  That ended the marriage.
Moving forward.  I am now free to date. And I have had two dates.  They were fine.  Glad the first one is out of the way after 31 years. But it makes me revisit what I have always said.  No, I don't want another husband.  No I don't want to live with another man.  No I don't want to be where I'm doing someone else's laundry, cleaning up after them, paying their bills.
What I want is my space.  I will clean up after me and the littles.  I will pay my own bills.  I will raise the littles.  I don't need help with those things.  Yes it was nice having Dave's help.  We belonged to him and that was okay.
But it is nice to date and do things with another person.  It is nice to share meals and talk and be affectionate. It is nice to make plans.  And if someone asks me out and pays for it I will let them. As of yet I have not met anyone who makes me feel any different in all that, except for George.  And even that would be iffy.
I like living by myself and doing what I want.  Being able to pick up and go.  Being able to do what I want when I want.  Same reason why I don't have a pet.  No commitment allows me a lot of leeway in my life and a lot of options open.  I've had my great love affairs.  Now I just want easy.
Will I feel the same next month, next year, ten years from now? Can't predict.  But right now I feel like I have felt for the last ten years.  And I say thank you George for not allowing me to reconnect enough to do damage to the relationship I needed to repair.  There would be no moving on if I hadn't honored the promises I made to Dave.

Second Date

Had my second date and the chat.  And he sits there and tells me he is in the same place.  Then proceeds to tell me how he likes me and finds me attractive and we can make this what we want.  Oy. I"m not sure.  Did it go over his head?  Is he hoping for more?  It is way too soon for either of us to be thinking about anything beyond what it is right now.
And maybe it is just me.  Makes me very uncomfortable.  Greg and I can talk about a lot of things, but this is different.
Methinks I'm out of my comfort zone and I don't like it.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Back to the Electric Bean

Greg and I went back to the Electric Bean to listen to some music. Cody Weathers and the Men Your Mama Warned You About were playing along with Jerry Ames.  I expected blues.  That's not what it was.  Cody Weathers is a great front man and very funny.  We got to sit in the comfy couches. Kind of nice to listen to music played well.
After that we went to get a bite.  Everything seems to close in Longview at 9.  So Applebee's got our business again.  Only this time it was packed.  At least we could still hear each other.
Before we did get our walk in at the lake.  Good thing we did it first.  It started to rain.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

And the Will is Begun

It was a very interesting meeting.  Good thing I didn't die.  I thought my current will withstood divorce.  Well it does not.  Or at least part of it doesn't.  Dave could not inherit from me via that document after the divorce.  So what I thought was fine really wasn't.  But it all worked out in the end.  Reading my current will makes me very glad I am making a new one.  The way it is written is definitely not what I want. That one was made with the intention of my outliving  Dave and married.  So I already got my half.  And now I can do with my half what I want and I don't have to worry about anything or anyone else.
The only questions she asked me that I couldn't answer were Jodi's middle initial and Cassie's zip code.  Easy enough information to get.
Now I wait for the documents to be written and then I sign and then I'm done.  And then I won't care if a car hits me and takes me out.  Nah, I will still care, but at least this is taken care of.
Now I have to write up the instructions that are specific for my brother and my list of things I want given to the littles.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Puddle Jumping

It rained so we went and found some puddles to jump in.  Got to make use of our boots and rain jackets.  Connor will only wear shorts with his boots no matter how cold.  They splashed enough that the insides of their boots were very wet.
We made a pit stop at Uncle Norm's place.  Each child got a snack.  They make themselves right at home there.


So I was making my laps and got talking with my new neighbor, Heather.  She has four kids.  Lives in a two bedroom and she sleeps in the living room.  She is just waiting for one of the townhouses up the street to vacate so she can move there.  Making do.
So she was telling me about the food bank.  Now I have never been to the food bank as a client.  I have dropped off food there when Walk 'n Knock would skip our house.  She got quite a lot of food.  She was sure I would qualify and I probably would.  But I don't need it.  And obviously she does.  So I would much rather not use it and leave it for people who do need it.  I don't think I should show her my cupboards.
I came here with food and I still have food.  I just replace what we eat and that works out.  My cupboards are full.  When I go grocery shopping I don't have room for all of it and part of it lives on the counter.
Heather's counters are empty.  So while I covet her counters I'm sure she would covet my cupboards.  She also confirmed my brain click with Travis.  I had only met Travis during the time he did the gutters on my rental house.  And I was oh so sure he made my brain click.  It didn't matter in the least since I would only ever see him again if I need work done on the house.  Jump forward to him being friends with Heather my neighbor.  So I asked her and she immediately said Yes duh.  Okay then. She said he is a completely great guy when he's sober.  Yup.
She then invited me out to the bar a couple of blocks over.  Leave my kids with her kids.  I think maybe with her son......he seems the most responsible.  Then we would just be two blocks over within walking distance.  Maybe we shall see.  She is kind of a kick.
Trying to expand my horizons a little more.  Time to make my world bigger.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Ashlie and Anderson's

Been doing these walks.  And sometimes I go past Anderson's Dairy in town.  It always always makes me think of Ashlie.  Ashlie lived with us for several months in 2010 until it was time for her to move on.  Part of the time that she lived with us she worked at Anderson's Dairy.  As an employee of Anderson's she received milk every week.  We didn't have to buy milk the whole time she worked there.  Funny the places your brain goes when you allow it to just wonder.

We also never bought milk while Papa was alive.  Papa bought us milk every other week when Freddie's put it on sale.  The rest we got from WIC.  It was one of the first things we missed in our new life.

Monday, March 9, 2015

A Night With John

It doesn't happen often.  Usually he is pretty occupied.  Tonight the littles wanted to eat dinner at his house so they took their food over there.  I invited myself over for a glass of wine.  And we chatted for a couple of hours. We aren't ever left alone long enough to carry on a conversation.  But tonight we were.  Things have changed over in his quad.  Probably for the better.  Time for John to move on and find his mate.  And so he spent most of the weekend at church.  And that is where he needed to be.
I also told him how much I love his kids.  His kids play with my kids  and they aren't mean.  They may not always want to share and they may not always play nice.  But they aren't ever mean for the sake of being mean.  They are really good kids.
Thanks John for a lovely conversation.  It is always nice and interesting to sit and talk with you.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


David and I made a pact at our last dinner that we would take care of our legal business.  He needs to get divorced and I need a new will. Especially since I can't remember what my last one said.  Although I'm sure I will see it again this week.  
I have been working on it for the last three months.  Working out what, who, how.  I think I have it figured out.  Then watch the attorney is going to ask some question I won't have the answer for.  That would be par for the course.  
The first thing I plan to do is take care of the business that Dave wanted done, but it didn't happen.  Now granted he didn't plan on waiting until he died.  But that came quick.  So now Tanya will have to wait till I die.  No big deal since she didn't know about it in the first place.  
I have decided that the little's need to go back to their parents.  One or the other, whoever is doing best and in the best position.  Naturally I'm hoping that is Mike, but that will remain to be seen.  I'm good if its Cassie.  There really isn't any other option other than the system.  
After Tanya's piece I think a four way split is in order.  The littles share into trusts that can be accessed at any time for their upbringing and then they just get any remainder at 25.  Here's hoping I'm still alive then.  I want Mike and Cassie to have their own share so that hopefully they won't feel the need to use the littles' indiscriminately.  And Pat gets my digital property.  
And that's it.  Easy peasy.  I told my brother I would leave explicit instructions so he knows what to do and how to do it.  Jodi is my back up on all things.  Done.  And it is good unless somewhere along the line I get more grandchildren.  Cross that bridge when I get to it. 
Now I just need to make the appt. tomorrow and then roll with it.  Bet I beat David to the punch and am finished long before he is.  

First Date

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it must be a duck.  So Friday night felt so much like a date.  I had to ask Greg if it was because I haven't dated in soooo long.  Over 30 years.  He agreed with me that that is what it felt like.  Now Greg and I have known each other for over two years so it isn't like a get to know you thing.  We had a good time.
That said.....it kind of felt strange.  Probably because I haven't dated in so long.  I still haven't processed it.  But it does mean that we now get to have the chat.  The one that says I'm not looking for any great love affair.  I just want someone to do fun things with from time to time.  Someone to talk to.  I'm not looking for a spouse or even a committed boyfriend.
That said.....I think that is where he is also right now in his life.  He and his wife split up just before Christmas.  And he isn't over that yet.  And that's all right.  I'm not over the death of Dave.
And I have now had my first date in forever and it wasn't bad at all.  Greg said its not suppose to be difficult.   I said it always has been difficult.  Different perspectives.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Running Start

Elizabeth is trying to get into the Running Start program at Clark next year.  That program means she goes to Clark the last two years of high school.  If done correctly you can walk out of Clark a high school graduate and have your first two years of college in. I don't know what Elizabeth's goal is but even just going is worthy and good.
So she is telling me about it and asking some technical questions....like how do you get there?  C-tran?  I answered the questions I could and sent her to her counselor for the rest.  Then she pops off with her biggest concern is how she will pay for her books.  Previous years...the first book has been paid for by the program and you always pick your most expensive book for that.  At that point I just told her I was sure someone would help her.
I have some thoughts on that.  One her mother should be paying for them because that is something that SS check should be taking care of.  It is education.  Then after that her trust should pay for it because even though it is high school it is also secondary education.  But assuming neither of those are going to happen and that is a good assumption.. (the trust probably won't even be set up by then).
So that means me.  I talked to my mom and she said she would also help Elizabeth with her books.  She is 16 and shouldn't have to worry about whether she can get her textbooks if she can get into the program.
Texted her today to let her know and she was so so so appreciative.  Said that took a big load of stress off her shoulders.  Wow.  Books are expensive but I would find a way (and I did) to help her with that.  I would do some under the table work or something.  Anything.  There was never a reason for her to even be stressed about it.  Sometimes I am amazed at people.  Okay I guess it is just my priorities are so much different and education is one of them.  And I do tend to put my money where my mouth is. Sometimes, when I can.


Poor I-pad.  It lived a good life.  I had already fixed it once to the tune of $100.  Then I accidentally dropped it and started the first new crack.  Since then it has had a couple more drops and a couple more cracks.  Then it got thrown.  It really didn't like that.  It started turning itself off when I was messing with it.  Then I stepped on it when it was hiding under a blanket. Then it started turning itself on and off all by itself.  I was sitting at my desk thinking what the heck is that noise.  Looked over and watched it do it.  So I quickly downloaded all pictures and videos.  Wiped it clean so that when it goes to the dump it won't have anything on it should it work.  So another one bites the dust.
I'm not replacing it with an I-pad.  I am contemplating one of those kid tablets with the built-in protectors.  Or not.  We shall see how we do without it.  Papa had given us the other old one so we still have two that work for the littles.
Other bits.  I replaced the charger and the battery for my old camera.  No go.  That means a new camera is in the works.
The coffeemaker didn't die after all.  I'm so psyched to not have to buy another one.  It just took a full day to get it descaled and now it works fine.  Yay!
I saw the magnolias blooming at Lake Sacajawea and thought I need one of those.  So I'm sure I will buy one of those also, when I buy the Papa tree.  Just have to figure out where it is going in Mom's yard. I know where the Papa tree is going and Mike is digging the hole.  ;P

Friday, March 6, 2015

Open Mic at the Electric Bean

I went to Longview and Greg and I walked the lake.  It was a beautiful night for it and we saw the sunset.  Gorgeously pink.  Afterwards we headed over to the Electric Bean for Open Mic night.  The Electric Bean is a non-profit coffee house.  All the employees are volunteers learning job skills.  What a great concept.  Greg got coffee and I got a smoothie and we enjoyed some music.  All performers did two to four songs.  Most were pretty good.  There was one that was not all that good, but you have to hand him kudos for getting up there and doing his thing.  We are going to go again next Friday when there is a blues guy named Cody performing.  Heard he is really good.
After the music ended we ended up at Applebee's for a bite to eat.  I tried their shrimp broccoli cavatappi.  It's on the good for you side of the menu.  And it was pretty tasty.
Thanks Greg for a lovely evening sans children.  

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Clean Happy

I got my car back and it is clean.  I'm sure it won't stay that way long.  I had to wait on Josh since Mike had left already.  He rode over with us and then drove Mom's car back.  My intention had been to walk it again, but no one was available to watch the littles.
After we got back to mom's I discovered I was missing a piece out of my trunk.  So we had to go back and get it.  At least it was only three miles away.
It is clean clean clean and I am happy happy happy.

Gold Chain

I decided not to wait to give Mike Dave's gold chain.  Put my money where my mouth is.  If I say his stuff is his to do with what he wants then that is so.  And I also don't get to say well he can't have it because he might sell it.  I don't want to be the pot calling the kettle black.  Mike's face lit up with pure joy and he immediately put it on.  And it hasn't come off since.
Now as it turns out right after I gave it to him I had a reason to go to the gold buyers place.  I had some broken earrings that really did no good just sitting around.  I got $30 and learned some things.  The chain that Mike has is a replacement chain and not nearly worth what the original was.  Mike was surprised.  The original was bought with a gift card that was a bonus from work for Dave.  It was a very nice chain.  The replacement while nice is only 10kt.  and would only fetch about $100 from the gold buyer.
Since I am sure the wedding ring will not turn up I have another chain for Connor when he gets older.  And Audrie gets my wedding ring.  Assuming that everything is still with me when they get older.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


So the back story is when I moved I had tremendous amounts of fun getting the internet/cable tv/tivo set up and working.  Part of the issue was figuring out which was the working cable outlet.  But I did it.  And then Comcast kept sending me cable boxes.  I kept taking them back telling them I don't need it.  Finally someone told me I needed something from them that makes the cable tv work.  So they gave me my OWN m-card for the TIVO box.  Well after all the hassle the first time around there was no way I was messing with a set up that worked. So my m-card stayed in my trunk all this time.
Jump forward.....Brought all the stuff in from the car since it went to the detailers.  Then today I turned on the TV intending to go to netflix, but I was slow so I actually caught an error message.  Seems I don't have any authorized channels on TV.  Wait...what?  Took me an hour on chat just to find out that the old m-card was no longer any good.  Dave must not have cable TV anymore.  So we set about activating MY m-card which I happened to know where it was.  Got it working and then Audrie wanted netflix.  Oy.  Now the network didn't work.  Oy. Oy. Oy.  Called TIVO and we had it all going in about five minutes.  Funny how TIVO is always quick and Comcast is always slow.  Now granted I should have just switched the cards out first and tried it, but I didn't.  So lesson learned.                                                                                  

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Back To Wenatchee....NOT

It really did not hurt my feelings to not have to drive back to Wenatchee on  Friday.  We were all set to do it and we didn't mind doing it.  But it is a long drive in a mini with two littles.  So Mike got the option to spend a couple days with a friend of his from Wenatchee and she would take him back.  Yay for me.
It has been a grand two weeks.  Mike never got antsy.  He took care of his kids.  He cleaned up after himself.  He made the littles clean up after themselves.  He got them doing all kinds of stuff that they needed to be doing.  The whole time I'm like..wait...what?  How is this possible and why wasn't I doing that.  ;P
The littles loved having their daddy around.  They loved cuddling on the couch with him or in the chair with him.  They just loved being with him.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Birthday Present

I told Mom I wanted my car detailed for my birthday. Now that is a pretty extravagant present I asked for.  I had checked into it at a place in Hazel Dell and it was on special for $150.  Mom agreed to it since I was so cheap for Christmas the last two years.  A mini shopvac last year and a stick blender the year before.
Thought I should take care of it while Mike was here.  I wasn't sure how long it takes or how it works.  So I made a couple of calls.  I really liked Charlie at VIP detailing.  So today I dropped off my car and Mike got to pick up the littles from daycare.  I then walked from Dollar's Corner to Mom's house to borrow her car.  I won't get mine back until Wed.  I could have it back tomorrow but since I don't have a heater or fans to dry it out they are going to do it over night tomorrow night.
The best part if they are only charging a hundred bucks for the detailing and then an extra ten to dry it out.  Mom was happy.   I'm going to be happy happy.  Five years of little kids in the car have taken their toll.
Happy birthday to me.  Thanks Mom.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Family Gathering

It was again time for family dinner.  Tonight it was chicken enchiladas.  It was a hit.  Even Mom liked it and I had my doubts.  She was already commenting on never having had them before and how she eats shredded beef enchiladas.
It was Mike's first foray into this.  He took care of the kids and they behaved pretty well.
I brought more pictures for Tanya from her childhood.  Still have to finish going through the box.  I'm sure she doesn't mind getting a handful at a time.  ;P  Trying to balance how many I give her of her dad and still keep some for Mike and the littles.
Made arrangements for Elizabeth to babysit for me if Mike has to stay in Wenatchee on Friday.  Always good to have a back up plan.