Wednesday, March 11, 2015


So I was making my laps and got talking with my new neighbor, Heather.  She has four kids.  Lives in a two bedroom and she sleeps in the living room.  She is just waiting for one of the townhouses up the street to vacate so she can move there.  Making do.
So she was telling me about the food bank.  Now I have never been to the food bank as a client.  I have dropped off food there when Walk 'n Knock would skip our house.  She got quite a lot of food.  She was sure I would qualify and I probably would.  But I don't need it.  And obviously she does.  So I would much rather not use it and leave it for people who do need it.  I don't think I should show her my cupboards.
I came here with food and I still have food.  I just replace what we eat and that works out.  My cupboards are full.  When I go grocery shopping I don't have room for all of it and part of it lives on the counter.
Heather's counters are empty.  So while I covet her counters I'm sure she would covet my cupboards.  She also confirmed my brain click with Travis.  I had only met Travis during the time he did the gutters on my rental house.  And I was oh so sure he made my brain click.  It didn't matter in the least since I would only ever see him again if I need work done on the house.  Jump forward to him being friends with Heather my neighbor.  So I asked her and she immediately said Yes duh.  Okay then. She said he is a completely great guy when he's sober.  Yup.
She then invited me out to the bar a couple of blocks over.  Leave my kids with her kids.  I think maybe with her son......he seems the most responsible.  Then we would just be two blocks over within walking distance.  Maybe we shall see.  She is kind of a kick.
Trying to expand my horizons a little more.  Time to make my world bigger.

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