Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Mattress

When we went to the Wildlife Safari my mom complained about the hotel mattress.  Said she couldn't wait to get home  to her own bed.  Then she started complaining about her mattress.  Guess she and Pat flipped it and that didn't help.  So she decided it was time to buy a new mattress and she did.  Pat took her and she bought a pretty nice mattress.  One day and she said nope it wasn't going to work. So I took her back to the store and she upgraded to a tempurpedic.  Those are spendy.  She got it and right away started complaining about it.  Hurts her back.  Makes her feel swaybacked liked the old beds on the farm.  It is a very very soft mattress.  So I told Pat it was his turn again. He was busy and didn't get right to it.
She has been sleeping on it for a week.  Calls me and says let's go shopping for new bedding for the new mattress.  I was like oh I didn't know Pat had taken you yet.  Oh he didn't.  This new mattress is much better.  Not swaybacked or anything, just squishy.  Oy.  Okay then.  We went to the mall and shopped for sheets.  She insists that the mattress was only twelve inches high.  I'm sure it isn't .  So we bought the 20 in sheets just to be safe.  And she was happy.  I got taken out to dinner as my reward.
Have to laugh.  It is either that or cry and get extremely frustrated.  Pat and I had both figured if she slept on a mattress for longer than a day it might be fine.  Glad it was.

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