Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Audrie An Introvert??

From the day she could verbalize and became mobile I have always had a sense that Audrie was an extrovert like her daddy.  She used to go sit with other people in restaurants to eat.  She visits with other people all the time.  But lately I have been noticing her spending a lot more quiet time.  She will be outside playing with all the other kids and then come in and spend time on the I-pad or watching TV.
I asked her who she plays with at care house and she informed me not anyone.  Broke my heart.  She did say she plays with Emma when they go outside on the tire swing.  And I have seen her play.  So I asked her what she does and she told me she does puzzles or reads books.
So maybe she takes a bit more after me and Papa.  We are more on the introvert part of the spectrum.  And maybe she just needs that quiet time once in awhile to recharge.  Maybe she doesn't recharge by being social like her daddy/
I'm going to watch for awhile longer though just in case something else is going on that I'm missing.  But I think she may just be a bit introverted.

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