Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Food Pyramid

Dropping the little man off at day care this morning led to a conversation with Cindy, the owner.  Seems there are some new rules for day cares.  Having to do with lunches. We can't have anything perishable left in lunchboxes.  Some kid somewhere drank an ice thing.  So now we can't use them.  I never did anyway.  I just froze the juice box and it worked to keep yogurt cold.  Now day care has to go through all lunches every day and pull perishables, label them and put them in their refrigerator. 
And if that wasn't enough.......now all packed lunches from home must have all four food groups represented.  If something is lacking the day care must supplement and then charge us for what they supplemented. 
Well that is going to be fun.  I almost never use meat.  Once in awhile the little man gets some turkey or ham.  The little woman is almost a vegetarian.  She gets most of her protein from milk products.  Milk products in lunches count as milk products.  Oy. 
We have come up with a work around.  The little woman will have a container of peanut butter in her lunchbox.  She will never eat it, but it will be there and count as a protein.  They can't make the kids eat, so it should work.  And then every few days I can replace the peanut butter.  I was not looking forward to throwing out meat every day she was at day care. 
And I guess we will use this as a stepping stone to start talking about the food pyramid. 

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