Monday, April 11, 2016

The Vet's Office

Phoebe needed some flea medicine and her toenails clipped.  I almost never seem to have the time and inclination to do it.  So this morning after we dropped off the little woman at Kindergarten, we picked up Mom and took Phoebe to the vet.  Amazing how something so simple can take an hour.  Not the nail clipping, that took five minutes.  Just the waiting to check in, the waiting for the nail clipping and then the waiting to pay.
Anyway the little man met lots of dogs and was so happy.  Two boy boxer puppies just loved him and thought he was one of their litter mates.  Phoebe seemed to enjoy her outing as well.  She was being very social at the vet's office.
Mom enjoyed her outing as well.  She wanted to know why we were going back to the assisted living as we pulled into the parking lot.  Told her I was dropping her at home, that she lives there now.  And she thanked me for watching out for her.
So one more thing off my list of fifty.

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