Saturday, April 14, 2018

A Wart Story

The little woman had three warts.  One of the bottom of a toe, one on her knee and one on her hand.  We had talked about having the one on her knee looked at the next time we had a normal check up with her doctor.  I kind of monitored but didn't make a big deal about anything. 
My girl is highly sensitive.  And all means of removal at the doctor office are not pleasant.  I know this firsthand.  When I was 40 and signed up for rock wall classes I had a wart on the big toe right where the toe would be on the climbing pegs and it hurt to put pressure on it.  So I had to get it removed so I could utilize those classes.  We tried some medicine first and it really wasn't doing the trick.  Then it was froze off and that hurt pretty good.
So knowing what I knew did not make me in any hurry to try and get her removed.  So she comes home from school about six weeks ago and told me some girl in her class told her they would go away if she didn't play with them.  Now I have never seen her play with them, but what do I know? I'm just thinking that would be lovely but she has had them for a long time.
Jump ahead to this week.  The little man has a wart. Joy.  Well she pops off with hers are all gone.  Wait...what?  Sure enough all three of hers are gone. Nada.  Zip.  Finito.  So she tells him if he doesn't play with it it will go away.  I can't argue with her logic and I do know that sometimes they do just go away.  After all they are a virus. 

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