Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Pictures and Visits

So the little woman wanted to know if she would see her cousins when we go north for the Bar Mitzvah.  Naturally I told her I did not know, but I would ask.  We had already connected with Chad and he and Gina will be out of town.  So I messaged Treva to ask, although I don't expect a positive response.  And I had told the little woman that.  I did not want to get her hopes up too much.
Then my search began as to when was the last time we were up and saw the cousins.  June 2015.  Before that was summer 2013.  Between 2013 and 2015 I asked many times.  And they were always busy.  I am always incredulous at I am willing to drive five  hours round trip for an hour or two visit.  My priorities.  But when I was finally basically told to quit asking because Treva needs to conserve her energy for her kids (and I get that...she has some health issues), I quit asking.  The visit in June 2015 we didn't ask.  We just stopped in on our way through.  And we had a lovely visit.  And then we went back to not asking.  But the little woman wanted me to ask. And now I have.
But in my search I was going through pictures.  Yes, I know, a dangerous place for me.  And I am still amazed at all the things we have done in the littles' lives.  All the parks, the playgrounds, the farmer's markets, movies, plays, Rose Festivals, county fairs, and big trips like San Francisco and Disneyland.  I was pleased at how many pictures I have of Mike with his kids. Because I was searching for something specific I was only touching on a few pictures.  But I was amazed and awed and glad we have done all these things.  We do all these things to burn off energy and because our circle is small.  In their family it seems like they are second class citizens and I never want them to feel that.  I think maybe the littles and I need to sit down and look at all these pictures of happy memories and great experiences.  There are lots of families that are small and I guess we are one of those, no matter how many cousins and aunts and uncles they really have.

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