Friday, May 11, 2018

A Happy Box

I had a bag of clothes that I considered too good to just drop off at the Goodwill. The Goodwill got plenty of boxes anyway. So then I put the bag of clothes up on a facebook sale site and had a buyer.  I sat in a parking lot two different days waiting for the buyer.  And then I gave up.  That really is not a good use of my time and I was only asking for $10.  I offered to bring the clothes to the woman the first day, but you's dangerous so people don't want you to do that.  Anyway....
So I'm contemplating what to do and I think about Jeremy raising his girls by himself right now.  And his oldest girl is my little man's age.  Which means she is just about ready to wear size 7/8 clothing.  Bingo.  I picked up a flat rate box from the post office and filled it as tight as I could.  I wasn't sure it would survive the trip since it was overfilled.  But it only had to go to CA.  And I shipped it off. 
I received this picture today.  She is happy.  He is ecstatic.  There is stuff in the box that will do for school next fall and some summer stuff for now. 
One little box of used clothing has made so many people happy today.  My best friend in CA is happy.  Her son is happy.  Her granddaughter is happy and I'm happy. And that clothing is going to get some more good use.  The only one not happy is my little woman who still insists those clothes fit her because she liked them even if they did make her look like a plumber. 

1 comment:

  1. Love everything about you.
    {{{hugs}}} my forever friend.
