Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Megaera came in for break when I was on break.  She asked me if I knew Jane.  Pretty much every one knows Jane.  She is like a staple at the college.  Liz said she worked there for awhile.  I saw her every Rush for years and years.
We always talked and she had the most wonderful stories.  One day I was carrying a box that was too heavy to carry very far so I sat on a bench and she was working her way to the bookstore from her home across the street.  She, too, needed a break.  So we sat and conversed as long as I could sit there.
Jane was or would be 82 this year.  And over the years I had watched her go from this very spry older lady to a much more fragile one.  The last time I saw her she was using one of those walkers you can take a seat in.  Megaera said she was in a wheelchair the last time she saw her.
Jane got ill and went on hospice last week.  She died Sunday.  The world lost this great light that shown so exquisitely.
So it turns out she had married a much younger man.  And that explained her complaint about him not looking too hard for a job.  I, naturally assumed he was about her age and was kind of amused.  Now I understand the angst.  He was husband number 2 or more....I only know about two.
The first husband was french and they lived in Switzerland.  She was a Swiss housewife for about twenty years and he was the love of her life.
Her family was involved in the library of congress and she had great library stories.
RIP Jane.  You had a great life and I can only hope that I have half the stories you do.

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