Thursday, May 30, 2019


It was a day for the therapist to come out from CCS.  He still had more paperwork for me to fill out, answer and sign.  He got a first hand glimpse of some of the fun we live with.  The little man was hungry.  And he was.  And hunger makes him extremely impatient.  And so he had an outburst, grabbed a toy and hit me with it.  The therapist took the toy away.  And things settled down.  I also fed the little man which helped immensely. 
We finished our paperwork and talked about all this.  He suggested not saying "no". As I have heard before.  However, he gave me a new way to do it.  "No" takes away control and that is a BIG trigger for the little man.  So he suggested using choices.  Like "Yes, you can be on top of the car. But then I can't do 'something else'.  It is your choice and up to you. 
I had the opportunity later in the day to use that strategy.  He wanted to pop the tire on his sister's bike so she can't ride it.  So I told him he could, but then I could not buy him a tube for his green machine.  His choice.   He choose not to pop the tire, although he did ask about breaking the chain. That little brain is always working.  Anyway he did nothing to her bike and that is a win. 
We take wins where we can find them. 

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