Monday, May 13, 2019


The little man slept in really late.  But he was up before the therapist got here.  Playing his game and making every one be quiet.  When she arrived he stormed off to his room.  It is my go to plan when he needs quiet.  He uses voice chat and it picks up every thing. 
He stormed back out and threw a game at the therapist.  We moved to the kitchen and he came at her with a pen.  Oy.  She ended up outside and commented about how disregulated he was and she could not work with him in his present state.  Yup true fact.  In his current state we just weather it out until the storm dies down.  I did manage to give him one of his antihistamines.  We timed it.  It took about 45 minutes to work for him.  Then he came outside and apologized to the therapist, but still wanted to go back in with me and watch a movie.  And so we did and he took a three hour nap.  I think there is more here than meets the eye.  Allergies or headache perhaps. 
The home specialist came in the afternoon and we did a walk through taking anything that can impale, like pens, scissors, etc and put them in my lockbox.  He got all the gaps in his notes filled out.  It is very difficult keeping everything and everyone straight when you are working with so many different people. 
The therapist texted and said tomorrow she is bringing more lockboxes and we will do another walk through.  She also suggested that I use the antihistamine preemptively.  I got that, but I also don't want him more medicated than he needs to be.  Catch-22.

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