Sunday, May 5, 2019

You Got Mail

The writing was on the wall several months ago.  You can't maintain a job and get called all the time to come get a kid (sickness, behavior).  You can't be late all the time because of the struggle to get kids to go to school.  You can't have professional people questioning the fact that you still have a job in almost disbelief.  Most places would not have tolerated nearly what my job did.  My job tried to be as flexible with me as they could.  But something had to give and it was the job.  I had such a big conflict between my duty to family and my work ethic. 
So several months ago Xfinity, my Internet/cable provider sent a sales email about using their mobile service.  No charge for phone and text and then only $12 a month per gig used in that month.  I was paying $30 a month for phone, text and 2 gigs data.  I don't use a lot of data.  I use wifi.  The hook was if you bought a new phone from them and ported the current number they would kick back $100 visa gift card.  At the time I needed a new phone.  I decided to do it and hope for the best.  The worst that would happen is I go back to Metro. 
So I am paying my essentially $15 a month after taxes for the data.  I love their voicemail that comes up as voice or text.  Funny how calls that don't ring and texts that don't notify seem to follow me from phone to provider.  So there is that.  But I don't figure it is Xfinity.  I figure it is some setting gets changed.
In order to get the kick back you have to maintain service for 14 weeks.  I did that.  And guess what was in my mailbox this weekend.  My $100 gift card.  Really good timing.....since I am unemployed. Setting it aside for our trip this summer.  It is a nice little cushion. 

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